Islamic Nuskhe Review |

Hello to all of you. If you are here to search Islamic nuskhe reviews, you are at the right place. Here we tell you about Islamic nuskhe in detail, So keep reading this post. is Molana Ashif ali khan’s official website.

What’s the motive of Islamic nuskhe? 

Our honourable and dear Maulana Ashif Ali Khan Ji has only one motive those who are our beloved Muslim brothers and sisters should be brought on the right path with the help of Quran Pak, and they should be helped in every Way with the use of the Quran Pak.

There are many Islamic websites available on Google. Still, there is no accurate description of any dua, due to which people have a lot of difficulty in doing dua and stipend, but Islamic Nuskhe is the only website where you can get all types of prayers. You will get the analysis of Dua’s in the right way, and if still, you feel any deficiency in it, you can also directly contact our Maulana Ashif Ali Khan. He will help you ultimately in every issue.

Why do you Trust Islamic Nuskhe?

Here is we give you some trust points about Islamic Nuskhe Review:

  1. Islamic nuskhe gives you all dua or Wazifa and Surah in the proper Islamic halal Way.
  2. Islamic nuskhe don’t use any shirk and tell you all duas in a proper step by step method.
  3. Search on google “Best Molana in the world.” Our website comes on the top and suggests our Molana Ashif Ali khan top.
  4. You can also check the Islamic nuskhe Instagram Account, where they put people’s success stories with Islamic nuskhe reviews.
  5. Molana Ashif Ali khan has 35 Years of exprince in Islamic ritual and study. 
  6. Islamic nuskhe are registered, too, and they also have achievements in Islamic Ilm e Al Nujum.

Islamic Nuskhe Moto and Review

We are here to help our Muslim brothers and sisters, not make them unhappy by taking money from them. We are saying this because we have seen that many Islamic websites available on Google do all this for money. Doing everything and despite giving money, people’s issues are not resolved. But don’t worry, you can contact our Maulana Asif Ali Khan without any worries. Islamic Nuskhe Review

Do you Want to consult Molana Ashif Ali Khan?

If you want to contact our Maulana Asif Ali Khan, then by clicking on the WhatsApp icon given below, you can get the solution to your problem. We are available 24 hours on WhatsApp, and you can quickly contact us by using what’s app.

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15 thoughts on “Islamic Nuskhe Review |”

  1. I was very nervous and had zero trust before I consulted Molana Ashif Ali Khan but after my experience with him, I can assure my blind trust in him as he is very experienced and knowledgeable in this and can help you with any troubles of life. The duas he gave me and the way he helped me really brought positive comfort in my life. Thank you so much. I would definitely recommend.

  2. Due to some personal reason, there was a fight between my daughter and me, and she left the house. I got very tense because of this, and I immediately contacted Molana Ji, and they listened to my problem and told me an Amal, which is halal, and I performed that amal and remembered Allah on the third day. She came back and apologized to me for her mistake.

  3. I highly recommend Molana Ashif Ali Khan with any problem you may be suffering with they’ll listen n guide you through, all you need is to have faith.

  4. First i am manipulated by so many people that in the last i have lost all of my trust then i am very scared of everything and i just want to give last try Allah really help me to meet them and at first to be honest i am scared but slowly slowly there work show effects and after sometime my problem really get solved and m very thankful to them Allah bless them with all health they are genuine there service is real.

  5. My husband and I were separated due to misunderstandings, and I wanted him back, so I contacted Molana Ji, and they gave me some duas. By doing that dua, I started seeing results the following day. My husband texted me, and his behavior changed entirely.

  6. Someone made a fake allegation and filed a case against me, but I have done nothing. After that, I contacted Molana Ashif Ali Ji and told them about my situation, and they gave me some duas at night. On the following day, I won the case Inshallah. I was surprised and became a follower of them forever.

  7. Very good service, helped me a great deal. I also learned a lot. They are very good at listening and great communication. Will definitely be recommending. Many Thanks to you all.

  8. I have suffered from black magic, which caused me mental and physical problems, and I get scared just thinking about that. I have seek help from so many people through the internet, but they all are fake. They took my money and scam with me, but these people helped me with my problem. They are genuine, and I recommend them 100 %. Please don’t get distracted by fake people.

  9. Maulana Ashif Ali Khan is a good Maulana ji. He helped me a lot in my situation. My situation is getting good now slowly. He is Genuine Person and helps people a lot in Different situation of their life. Earlier I went to different Maulana ji they cheated me. Then I searched the best Maulana ji and he really helped me alot and he is a genuine person.

  10. I am in depression for so many years due to my problem and i had given up all my hopes that i would able to live my life proprly then i started to search for a solution on internet there are so many people who cheated me and take moneyy and block me this really make me more depressed but i talked with Molvi ji through islamic nukshe and within a week i am getting result and this is realy unreal and i am very happy that there are still some good people exist eho help you without any selfishness

  11. I am speechless for my help from Molana Ashif Ali Khan when I needed help to save my marriage. I want to tell everyone there is a real Molvi shab that works effectively. Everything has changed for good. My husband, who had dumped me for over a year, returned with the help of Molana Ashif Ali Khan when I contacted him for a solution on how I could get my husband back. He did a reunion Dua or wazifa with the help of the Quran Shareef for me and told me he would come back home on his own I had a little doubt. Still, I had to know the choice to remain calm. My husband returned home after three days after the ruhani wazifa and dua were done, to my greatest surprise. I was surprised at how this worked. Today we are living in peace again. All thanks to Molana Ashif Ali Khan.

  12. I am concerned regarding my health so I went molana Ashif Ali Khan to do dua for my health 🤲 🕋 Ameen 🤲🤲🕋🤲🕋🕋


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