Powerful Dua For Black Magic Back To Sender

As-salam Alaykum, my dear brother and sisters, Today we talk about Dua for Black Magic; we all have our vices.

Identifying and overcoming them makes us humans and separates us from animals. Anger, hatred, and jealousy—these emotions are normal.

But a good human doesn’t succumb to these emotions. But, at times, people are not strong enough to fight those emotions.

That’s when they turn to things like Black magic. Sometimes jealousy and hatred towards someone can get the better of you.

If you think someone is performing black magic on you and trying to harm you in any way possible, you should not ignore that gut feeling. Ignoring such intuitions can lead to deadly results.

But what to do when you realize and want to do damage control before things go out of hand? Do you want to know?

If yes, then you are in luck. This post will discuss rendering any ineffective black magic sent your way by the dark forces. Here’s how you can do it:

Signs That You Are Affected By Black Magic

  • Sudden pain in your head and other body parts
  • Feeling suffocated and trapped in the chest.
  • Fights, misunderstandings, and arguments with your family without reason.
  • Other symptoms, like suicidal thoughts, depression, and anxiety, often come to mind.
  • Always remain in sadness, surrounded by unhappiness all the time.
  • Falling from heights and seeing dead people in your dreams

These are some common signs of black magic. If you are facing any of them, pay attention to them, and you can contact our Molana Ashif Ali Khan Ji to get better solutions for your problems.

Powerful Dua For Black Magic

Halal and working Dua For Black Magic is: “Qul a’oozu bi rabbil-falaq Min sharri maa khalaq Wa min sharri ghaasiqin izaa waqab Wa min sharrin-naffaa-saati fil ‘uqad Wa min sharri haasidin izaa hasad.” If you recite this dua regularly after every salah with complete faith in Allah (SWT), the black magic effect will be removed from your life.

Reference And Meaning

This dua is taken from Quran Chapter 1 verse No.7, and its meaning is: “I seek refuge with the Lord of the DawnFrom the mischief of created things; From the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads; From the mischief of those who practice secret arts.” 

Dua For Black Magic
Find peace and blessings with this powerful Dua For Black Magic

Read: Powerful Dua For Protection From Evil Eye And Jealousy | Dua For Nazar.

It has been seen many times that when your enemy does black magic on you, he does it repeatedly so that They can harm you a lot; in such a situation, you can put the effect of his black magic on him.  

It is not haram in Islam; for this, we share a dua, by reading which you can put the black magic done by him on him.

Dua For Black Magic Back To The Sender

If you want black magic back to the sender with the help of quranic dua then recite: “Allaahu waliyyul lazeena aamanoo yukhrijuhum minaz zulumaati ilan noori wallazeena kafarooo awliyaaa’uhumut Taaghootu yukhrijoonahum minan noori ilaz zulumaat” after any salah and don’t forget to follow the method given below.

Reference And Meaning

This dua is taken from Quran chapter 2 verse no.257 and the meaning of this dua is: Allah is the Protector of those who have faith: from the depths of darkness, He will lead them forth into light. Of those who reject faith, the patrons are the evil ones: from light, they will lead them into darkness.”

Dua For Black Magic Back To The Sender
Elevate your spiritual practice with this meaningful Dua For Black Magic Back To The Sender

Method To Perform Dua For Black Magic Back To The Sender:

  1. Perform Ablution.
  2. After that, take some Dates and dip them into Zamzam.
  3. Recite Quran chapter 2, verse no.257, 332 times.
  4. Blow on the dates, and then you and your family eat those dates.

“Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said, “who eats seven ‘Ajwa dates every morning will not be affected by poison or magic.”

Sahih al-Bukhari 5445

Do this ritual with all your heart for 2-3 weeks. Inshallah, you will see the effects of black magic will fade away.

Method To Perform These Dua

If you want to remove harmful black magic from you and your family permanently, read Powerful Dua To Remove Black Magic Permanently.

Niyyah (Intention That Why You Are Performing Dua)

“Al-Hafiz,” the Guardian and Protector of everything, no one is more powerful than you. I am performing this dua Today because I want to seek your protection. 

AL-QADIR,” protect me with your immense power because, as you know, I am not feeling well nowadays. Sometimes I feel very suffocated and sick without any reason. “AL-WADOOD,” hold my hands and take me out of all this.

Our Other Helping Article:

Dua For Protection of your House And Family From Black Magic

Important Benefits of Ayatul kursi (English and Hindi)


Through this article, we want to raise awareness about black magic and its harmful effects. 

With the help of the dua mentioned above, we can remove evil things from our bodies and house. According to Hadith, Prophet Mohammed also saved himself from jinn’s harmful effects by reciting the Surahs’ recitation in the Quran Sharif. 

Many Islamic Nuskhe readers get good results with the recitation of Dua given by our Molana Ashif Ali ji; you can also contact him by sharing your problem via whatsapp.

Click On This Important Note Before Doing Any Dua or Wazifa

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any Surah to destroy black magic from where it came from?

Surah Al-Jinn is one of the most powerful surahs to destroy black magic where it came from. 

To perform this surah, first, you have to make Ablution. After that, recite Ayutul kursi (11) times. 

Now recite Surah Al-Jinn after fajr Nawaz, and while doing this, remember to have deep faith in Allah almighty.

I am under some black magic, which is affecting me daily. How can I remove this quickly?

You can read this Dua that is mentioned above. It is a very powerful and effective dua but does it carefully with all the precautions.

If you cannot perform this, contact our Molana Ashif Ali khan by clicking on consult with us on whatsapp.

My house is under black magic, and my whole family is affected by it. How can I remove this quickly, and how can I get to know who has done it all?

You can contact our Molana Ashif Ali khan if you want a quick solution. He will tell you who has done it and why. He is an expert in his work and solves many cases like this.

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