Powerful Dua To Fulfill Impossible Wishes Convert Impossible To Possible


As-salam Alaykum, my dear brother and sisters, Today we give you Dua to Fulfill Impossible Wishes in this article.

Often, some things can sound downright impossible and even ridiculous to some.

For example, think about owning a big mansion or getting that dream job everyone thinks is impossible.

But the truth is, nothing in life is impossible. The only thing required to make the impossible possible is the right mindset and the right heart in the right place.

Perhaps you want to get married to that dream girl of yours. On the face of it, it might sound impossible. 

But the reality is that if your intentions are pure and if you truly and genuinely want to get married to that girl, nothing can come in the way of you and your destination.

But, despite all your efforts, things fail to work in your favor. Do you also have specific wishes that seem impossible? Do you want them to come true without hurdles getting in your way?

If that sounds like a familiar scenario, this Dua is for you. Then keep reading this post to perform the dua correctly.

If you are reading this dua because there is someone in your life you love immensely and want to make them madly in love with you, please read this: Dua to make someone fall in love with you.

Most Powerful Dua To Fulfill Impossible Wishes

Effective Dua To Fulfill your Wishes is: “Innamaa amruhooo izaaa araada shai’an ai-yaqoola lahoo kun fa-yakoon.” the meaning of this dua is “Verily when He intends a thing, His command is “be,” and it is.” To fulfil your impossible wishes, recite this Dua after every five salahs. This Dua is from Quran chapter 36, verse No.82.

Powerful Dua To Fulfill Impossible Wishes <strong>Convert Impossible To Possible</strong>
Increase your faith and positivity with this Powerful Dua To Fulfill Impossible Wishes

Dua To Convert Impossible To Possible

If you want To Convert Impossible To Possible by the help of Allah SWT Then recite this dua: “Fa Subhaanal lazee biyadihee malakootu kulli shai-inw-wa ilaihi turja’oon” after thaajud salah for 21 days regualry.”

Reference And Meaning

This dua is taken from Quran chapter 36 Verse No.83 and the meaning of this dua is: “So glory to Him in Whose hands is the dominion of all things; and to Him will ye be all brought back.”

Powerful Dua To Fulfill Impossible Wishes <strong>Convert Impossible To Possible</strong>
Enhance your connection to Allah with this beautiful Dua To Convert Impossible To Possible

Dua For Fulfilling Wishes In 7 days

If you want Fulfilling your Wishes In 7 days then with full faith In Allah SWT recite this Dua: “Fasaqaa lahumaa summa tawallaaa ilaz zilli faqaala Rabbi innee limaaa anzalta ilaiya min khairin faqeer.” Don’t forget to follow the given below method.

Reference And Meaning

This dua is taken from quran chapter 28 verse No. 24 and the meaning of this dua is: “So he watered (their flocks) for them; then he turned back to the shade and said: “O my Lord! Truly am I in (desperate) need of any good that Thou dost send me!”

Powerful Dua To Fulfill Impossible Wishes <strong>Convert Impossible To Possible</strong>
Get closer to your goals with this motivating Dua For Fulfilling Wishes In 7 days

Method to Perform Dua For Fulfilling Wishes In 7 days:

  1. Start by Ablution.
  2. After that, offer Salwat to the beloved Prophet Mohammed.
  3. Then, recite Surah Al-Qasas Verse No.24 with complete faith in Allah (SWT)
  4. Please write down the wish on white paper, blow on it, and put that paper beneath your pillow.

Perform this ritual for 7 days, and you will simultaneously see your wishes come true. 

Powerful Dua To Fulfill Impossible Wishes <strong>Convert Impossible To Possible</strong>

If you need more clarification on performing this dua or want fast effects in low time, contact our Molana Ashif Ali khan ji through WhatsApp.

Read: Powerful Dua To Get What You Want | Get What You Want From Allah

Niyyah (Intention That Why You Are Performing Dua)

“AL-WADOOD,” you are the only source of love and the only one who loves their creations unintentionally.

Thank you for allowing me to recite this dua. “AL-‘ALEE,” you know my intention behind this dua is to fulfill my wish with your allowance.

“AL-KABEER,” with your immense wisdom, completes my desire because you are the holder of all the powers; nothing is impossible for you.

Surah For Fulfilling Impossible Wishes

Recite Surah Yaseen to fulfill impossible wishes. Reciting Surah Yaseen will satisfy our desires. 

As said by Prophet Mohammad,”Whoever recites Surah Yaseen in the morning, then Allah Almighty will be responsible for fulfilling all his needs. 

Some of the famous hadiths of the scholars regarding Surah Yaseen are as follows: 

Surah Yaseen is the heart of the Quran Anyone who recites Surah Yaseen in one night is equal to reading the Quran 10 times.

Click On This Important Note Before Doing Any Dua or Wazifa


The nature of a wish is not restricted to a particular kind. Do not limit yourself to thinking that this dua can fulfill only specific desires.

No matter your dream, you can always work towards its accomplishment.

Dua to fulfill impossible wishes is directly taken from the Quran, which is entirely halal. 

Whether you want to get married to that dream person or your soulmate or wish to get good grades, it will work.

Another critical point is that we must make dua after doing good deeds. You did a good deed; ask Allah if Allah accepted us by saying “Rabbana Taqabbal Minna.” 

This phrase tells us that this is the end of dua, and may Allah please accept it from us.

Our Other Helping Dua:

Powerful Dua For Miracle Happen (100% EFFECTIVE AND HALAL)

Powerful Duas For Solving All Problems (Immediate Help From Allah)

Frequently Asked Questions

Even Though I Make Dua, My One Wish Didn’t Come True. What Should I Do?

Dua is not someone’s words that result in you just chanting them. 

If you don’t believe the words of what you are saying or if you have no belief in Allah, but still you are reciting the lines, then that will not pay you a single drop of the result.

You should follow the instructions by taking all the precautions before reciting a Dua. 

If you have any problems, you can contact our Maulana, Ashif Ali Khan, to assist you in the best Islamic way.

Currently, I am facing many problems in my life, and whatever I do, I cannot complete and become unsuccessful in any work. Can Surah help me?

In this case, you can perform this Powerful surah for success in everything. Do it with all the precautions, and it will surely give you good results.

Has Allah Ever Answered Your Dua Instantaneously?

If your voice comes deeper inside your heart and you pray Dua sincerely, Allah will bless you by fulfilling your needs. 

If you pray for your desires and devote yourself to the feet of Allah in the silence of your heart, then Allah will surely answer your dua. Always keep faith in Allah and never misjudge him for any reason.

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7 thoughts on “Powerful Dua To Fulfill Impossible Wishes <strong>Convert Impossible To Possible</strong>”

  1. I M in the middle of a critical situation and need to know if there is any way I can pray to Allah with something specific which will make my almost impossible seem like issue possible someday? How do i contact you? Can I email my qstn?

  2. Since there is conflict between me and my husband I am unable to perform my 5 times namaz please help me.
    and also say me such a dua so that my husband should be in my control and he should listen me
    Husband name.A.Abdul latheef
    Myself.A.Zeenath Kauser

  3. I am getting married due to my parents force.. but i don’t like the groom is there any duwa which i can get help from Allah and i get married to whom I like

  4. I performed a lot of this website wazifa, and it has worked, I performed lottery one, but for my self to stick and win it is difficult for me, but when I gave it to someone the numbers will win, and I don’t know why? can you please tell me what is wrong or how I can do.


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