Powerful Dua To Make Someone Obsessed With You (100% EFFECTIVE)

The Quran teaches us that Islam is a loving and peaceful religion that encourages love and suggests many Dua To Make Someone Obsessed With You to help you with this.

Being obsessed with or having a crush on someone is normal and not haram; however, your actions regarding that feeling are what matters. 

So, to stop one from doing something wrong or haram, we advise you to follow the righteous path, which will only bring you victory, as Allah SWT never disappoints his believers. 

It is not wrong to want someone in your life who is madly in love with you and obsessed with you. Indeed, all you are asking for is 100% commitment. If this is what you are after, this article is for you. Could you read it carefully? 

This can be performed by either a girl or a boy. It doesn’t matter, as the results will be the same upon following the steps correctly. 

If you have been doing this and are waiting to see results, DO NOT GIVE UP! It will happen in Allah SWT’s time; keep practicing these duas, and you will eventually see your results, Insha-Allah. 

And when that happens, you will know what you have wished for in front of your eyes. Only then will you be grateful that you did not give up.

If you want someone to miss you, then check out this dua to make someone miss you.

Step by Step Dua to make someone obsessed with you

  • Firstly, make wudu (ablution).
  •  Wear green clothes.
  •  Think of the person you want to be obsessed with.
  •  Recite Surah Fatiha 11 times and blow on a glass of water.
  •  Make that special individual drink that water the following day.
  •  Do this for 27 days straight.

Only miss days if you are a woman on her period. 

Then you may continue the days after you are purified (this rule applies to all duas and wazifas). 

Dua to make someone obsessed with you

If you need any help or want a quick and effective result, contact Molana Ashif Ali Khan.

It would help if you did the duas below with the most sincerity and dedication, and insha’Allah, it will fulfill all your desires. 

This dua is not just for an individual to be madly in love with you for the intention of marriage but can also be done for someone you are already with but want the care and love from them, which they may not seem to be giving to you at the moment.

Performing this type of dua will make that person concerned about you all the time and care for you more than usual; slowly, you will see them become madly obsessed and in love with you.

To make someone fall in with you recite this dua it will help you to make that person fall in love with you.

Here is Wazifa to make someone obsessed with you

  • Make sure this dua takes place after the Maghrib prayer.
  •  Make wudhu (ablution).
  •  Read Durood Shareef 11 times.
  •  Recite Allah Hus Sammad 1000 times.
  •  Now have that person on your mind and make dua to Allah SWT for that person to fall madly in love with you.
  •  Perform this for seven days.
Powerful Dua To Make Someone Obsessed With You (100% EFFECTIVE)

Here is Another Dua to make someone obsessed with you

  • Make wudhu.
  • Recite Surah Al-Hashr 100 times.
  • Recite Durood Shareef 8 times.
  • Do this for a month straight. Make sure to close your eyes then and think of Allah SWT. 
Here is Another Dua to make someone obsessed with you

Wazifa for someone to love you like crazy:

  1. Make wudhu.
  2. Read Ya Wadudu 132 times.
  3. Read Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim 100 times.
  4. Recite Surah-ar-Rahman 10 times.
  5. Make dua to Allah SWT for the particular person to fall in love with you.
  6. Perform Dua to make someone obsessed with you for 15 days.
  7.  Insha-Allah, your prayers will be heard by Allah. 
Wazifa for someone to love you like crazy

Important Note for Dua to make someone obsessed with you

  1. Remember that you should only do this dua or wazifa to marry the person you want to be obsessed with you. 
  2.  You should not tell anyone you are performing this type of dua as it is sacred and should only be between you and Allah SWT.
  3.  Otherwise, the dua may not work. 
  4.  Most importantly, it would help if you had faith in Allah SWT to help you and have a saber.
  5.   You should also follow all steps exactly as explained for the dua to work. 

All the above are duas, and wazifas will help you fulfill your dreams of being the only one to be madly obsessed with you. These Quranic Dua to make someone obsessed with you will work, have faith and sabar and never give up.

Frequently asked questions

  • Surah to make someone obsessed with you?

    You can recite Surah Yunus eleven times with two Rakts nafl after Fazr namaz. Do this with utter belief, and within a few days; it will show its effects and fulfill your wish to make someone obsessed with you.

  • Any ayat to make someone obsessed with you?

    Narrate “Fasubhana Allahi heenatumsoona waheena tusbihoon” with Darood Sharif eleven times before sleeping, and keep in mind the face of the person you want to make obsessed with you. Inshallah, Allah will listen to your duas.

  • How to make taweez to make someone obsessed with you?

    First, find a clean space and then make wudu. After that, read Ayutul kursi a hundred times before starting, then write Atshi taweez facing East, sit on one thigh, fold the leg, and put fire nearby. To make it effective, write it between 14:00 to 16:00.

  • Is there any Dua to make someone miss you?

    For making someone miss you, you can read this Dua to make someone miss you after Isha Namaz. Do this with pure intentions and have strong faith in Allah’s peak.

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