Powerful Dua For Cheating Husband (100% Effective and Halal)

Assalamualaikum, warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, to all our beloved sisters; today’s topic is very serious, and it’s all about the husband and wife relationship.

We ensure that in this article, you will find Dua for Cheating Husband in a proper Islamic halal way, so read this article properly and don’t skip any part of it for better understanding.

Do you think your husband is cheating on you? Do you feel your husband is not paying attention to you the way he used to when you were initially married?

Would you like these things to change for the better? Would you like your husband to stop cheating on you with another woman and pay attention only to you?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you’ve come to the right place. This Dua will help stop your husband from cheating on you and prove helpful to you.

This blog’s purpose is to help ensure that women worldwide can get their husbands to prevent cheating and pay attention to their families only.

How can you make that possible? If yes, then all you have to do is make sure you perform this dua below.

If you want your husband crazy in love with you then read “Powerful Wazifa To Make Husband Crazy In love” (Fall In Love With You)

Here Is Dua For Cheating Husband

If you want to stop your husband from cheating on you, you must recite this dua: “Allahummaghfir li wa lil mu-minina wal mu-minati.” One thousand times after any two Salah. This dua has been tried by many, and it is one of the most powerful duas when it comes to stopping husbands from cheating.

Reference And Meaning

This dua is taken from Surah Al-Ahzab Verse No. 35, and here is the MEANING of this Dua: “O Allah! Forgive me and the believing men and believing women.”

Dua For Cheating Husband
We Share a “Dua For Cheating Husband” in this Image.

Method To Perform Dua For Cheating Husband:

  1. Do proper Wudu and offer “Tasbeeh e Janab e Fatima.”
  2. Wear an ihram dress and be in the Ruku position. 
  3. Read Durood Shareef 11 times.
  4. Finally, recite “Allahummaghfir li wa lil mu-minina wal mu-minati” 1000 times to stop your husband cheating on you.

Do this Ritual regularly for 15 to 20 days. Inshaallah, you see positive outcomes as soon as possible. If you need help or want a quick solution, you can contact our Molana Ashif Ali Khan on WhatsApp.

It would be best if you did not accept that your husband cheated on you. It is your duty and responsibility to make sure things can change for the good. This Dua is there to help you at every step.

Niyyah (Intention that why you are performing Dua)

“AL-AZEEZ” you know everything about everyone. You always open the doors of your mercy for those who remember you from a pure heart. “AL-MALIK” today I am performing this Dua For my Cheating Husband, with all my faith in you Almighty. 

I am suffering a lot because my husband is cheating on me, I love him so much, but he does not love me as before. 

“AL-KHALIQ,” grant some wisdom to my husband so he can see that his family is ruined due to his actions. Merciful, please guide him to improve himself and make our relationship better.

Dua For Cheating Husband

Follow these Precautions While Performing Dua:

You have to follow all these precautions to achieve good outcomes from this Dua because rules and regulations are essential to getting the effects:

  • Your intentions behind this should be honest. Don’t perform this dua for any other haram thing, as it will not show any results.
  • Perform this, Dua, silently. Don’t tell anyone about this, as evil eyes can worsen things.
  • Women shouldn’t perform this dua during their menses.
  • While doing Dua, all you have to do is think about your husband with a pure heart.
  • Keep uttering belief in Almighty Allah; only then will Allah listen to your Dua.”Ask, and you will be given. Ask, and you will be given.” (Tirmidhi)
  • Have patience, and don’t think about results first. You have to give 100% of your determination to the process. Our loved Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) saidWhoever persists in being patient, Allah will make him patient.”


In this article, we provide some Powerful Dua for Cheating Husband, which can solve all your marriage problems.

Also, it improves the relationship between husband and wife through its effects; likewise, it sends out good vibrations and blessings that will enhance your husband. 

It will make you feel good, and he will automatically not want to cheat. Dua will remove any wrong or impure thoughts from his mind. That’s the power of this Dua.

Note: Allah (SWT) will praise you. If you make this dua known to more and more people because if you pass on, they will benefit by doing it, and maybe it can change their lives, then it is obvious you will also get the reward for the good deed (Sadaqah)


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any surah to stop your husband from cheating on you?

First, recite Surah Ar-Rahman For ten times. After that, DUROOD-E-AWAL ten times, and now recite “la ilaha illallah” 20 times after Fajr Nawaz. Remember to imagine your husband while reciting it. Do it with full faith in Allah. Within a few days, your husband will stop cheating on you.

How to make your husband love you like before?

You should start to recite Dua to create love in your husband’s heart to make your husband fall in love with you again. It will stop your husband from cheating or misbehaving with you. 

How to make my husband realize that he is wrong & cheating on me?

You need to pray to Allah Tallah with a genuine heart. Start performingDua to stop my husband from having an affair”, and if you need any help, you can contact our Maulana Ashif Ali Khan. He will assist you in the best Islamic ways.

7 thoughts on “Powerful Dua For Cheating Husband (100% Effective and Halal)”

  1. If my brother doesn’t tell me about you. I am very depressed and almost lost all my hope. Thanks for all your help. You saved me.

  2. I am at the point of my Divorce. I almost lose all hope, and then I started following five times Nawaz and Dua as per given, which saved my marriage. I am so thankful to you.


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