Powerful Wazifa And Dua For Divorce In Islam

Sometimes, when marriage is not working and causing pain to both partners, it is better to stop rather than wait for things to get resolved. Dua For Divorce in Islam can help you in this matter. 

In Islam, divorce is called talaq. It’s a process where the husband and wife mutually decide to end their relationship. While ending a relationship, dua to stop divorce permanently can be advantageous for you. 

Not all marriages are supposed to be a success. Most of them are not. But the good thing is that Islam allows people to end their relationship if they find each other incompatible. This is embraced by talaq

Sometimes either the husband or the wife would decide to put an end to things and part ways. But, often, these decisions are met with much hesitation and thinking.

That is natural. Since marriage is a big decision, one should always put a lot of thought and consideration into it before making things final. 

But if you are one hundred per cent sure that walking out of the marriage is the only way to the happiness of both parties involved, then you should be confident in your decision and stick to it. 

But if you are having trouble getting separated or filing for divorce and you think your partner is delaying things on purpose, you can seek Allah’s guidance. You should take the help of Dua For an Easy And Fast Divorce.

If you want to stop your divorce then consider reading this article Dua to Stop Divorce in Islam.

Powerful Wazifa And Dua For Divorce In Islam

A Most Powerful Working Dua For Divorce in Islam is: Yaaa ayyuhan nabiyyu izaa tallaqtummun nisaaa’a fatalliqoohunna li’iddatihinna wa ahsul’iddata wattaqul laaha rabbakum.If you want a divorce with your partner for a valid reason then recite this dua for 21 days regularly after any 2 salah and pray to Allah SWT for divorce happen your divorce will happen.

Reference And Meaning

This dua is taken from Surah At-Talaq Verse (65:1) and the meaning of this dua is: O Prophet, when you [Muslims] divorce women, divorce them for [the commencement of] their waiting period and keep count of the waiting period, and fear Allah, your Lord.

Wazifa And Dua For Divorce In Islam
In This image, we provide Wazifa And Dua For Divorce In Islam

Method To Perform dua to get divorce from husband:

  1. Start with an ablution.
  2. Write Surah At-Talaq Verse (65:1) on paper and fold it up. 
  3. Place that piece of paper in front of you.
  4. Sleep with that paper and Pray to Allah SWT for your divorce to happen with your husband.

Repeat this process for 15 days for a positive outcome. After 15 days, bury that piece of paper under the soil. If you need help, contact our Molana Ashif Ali Khan on Whats App.

If you want to separate two people immediately, then you can perform this Dua to Break Up a Couple or Separate Two Persons.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Dua help to get a quick divorce?

Yes, you can set yourself free from a toxic marriage with the help of Dua For Easy And Fast Divorce. Practising it religiously & regularly can help you get a divorce quickly.

How to make duas work fast?

All you need to make duas work fast is keeping consistency & affection. It would help if you were true to your intentions. With this, you also need to believe in the powers of the almighty.

14 thoughts on “Powerful Wazifa And Dua For Divorce In Islam”

  1. I m not happy with my nikah bcz my parents forced me to do it ….it’s just a nikah not rukhsati I want that my husband leave me like give me divorce by himself plz help me …

  2. Assalamualaikum, I am married and having one kid 5 years old, my wife always stays at her parents house and does not allow me or my family to see my daughter and she doesn’t like me but she also not divorcing me, she and her family simple harrasing me and my family. Her father is senior lawyer and they are very much troubleing and my father also expired due to these issue and my mother health is also not good. Please help me with powerful dua to get divorce from my wife as early as possible.
    Allah Hafiz

  3. I m not happy for 4 yrs. I don’t want to my husband. Because he lied to everyone. They thought I m lied. I m never lie. I hates lie. We fought . He is not educated. I’m educated. We r qurrel. Please help me, my parents and in law family agree divorce. My husband first divorce to me. How I dua? Possible divorce. Allah acceat. Please me. Please I likes someone. Somone Care, serious, help , care of my kids to me. Someone’s parents stop search girl for him. I was painfull or hurtful because someone’s parents not agree for me. Please dua . I can recite but I m deaf. Somone will back love and someon’s parents change and back.

  4. Even though im married we both have zero undestanding,its a big issue for me and i dont want to make it work anymore, I want to find a way out of this toxic marriage

  5. I need to get a divorce but my husband won’t let me because he wants to be near my son. I have been unhappy for soooooo long. I need a way out. Please make dua for me.

  6. My Husband tortured me physically and mentally. I can’t tolerate this anymore. 4-5times in a weak he beats me for very small reason.He insulted my parents.He has extreme anger issues. I just don’t want to spend my life with him and want to divorce him from core of my heart.Can this get me the divorce??


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