Powerful Dua To Stop Divorce (Save your marriage from divorce)

Assalamualaikum, warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

This article addresses a sensitive aspect of married life: Divorce.

We also provide a powerful dua to stop divorce from the Quran and Sunnah in a halal and legitimate manner, with tested and verified sources.

Our sole aim in writing this article is to save the homes of our Muslim brothers and sisters so that they can be prevented from getting divorced and someone’s life can be saved from getting spoiled.

InshaAllah, we promise this Powerful Dua to Stop Divorce will positively transform your marriage life if you seek assistance in preventing your divorce.

Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) once stated, 

“The most detestable of lawful things in the sight of Allah is divorce,” which was narrated by Mu’arrif ibn Wasil.

Sunan Ibn Majah 2018

If the problems in marriage burden you, then read this Dua to Stop Divorce carefully. We are saying this because people have often come to us who have made wrong prayers and wazifa after reading half-finished articles and have not received any solution.

The Importance of Dua In Stopping Divorce In Islam

The divine connection between a husband and wife is marriage.

Sometimes there will be a conflict between the husband and wife, and when the situation worsens and no sign of the problem getting better seems to be evident, many couples take the final step: Divorce.

Sometimes, couples can get into serious fights and arguments that they cannot recover from.

It is painful to always be in difficult situations like divorce, and it can seem hopeless.

If a partner wishes to leave for an unjust reason and to stay with a decision, and you want to save this marriage, then you can use this “Dua to Save Marriage from Divorce.” 

The dua to stop divorce is essential for couples on the brink of it because Allah has commanded us to preserve our relationships.

“Allah has allowed divorce, but He hates it.”

Sunan Ibn Majah 2018

Here Is Powerful Dua To Stop Divorce (With Audio)

The best and most tested dua to stop your divorce is: “wa ‘asaaa an takrahoo shai’anw wa huwa khairullakum wa ‘asaaa an tuhibbo shai’anw wa huwa sharrullakum; wallaahu ya’lamu wa antum laa ta’lamoon.” You can quickly stop your divorce by reciting this dua daily and placing your trust and faith in Allah SWT.

Reference And Meaning

This dua is mentioned in the Quran (2:216), and here is the meaning of this supplication: “And it may be that you dislike a thing that is good for you and that you like a thing that is bad for you. Allah knows, but you do not know.”

Powerful Dua To Stop Divorce
Save Your Marriage with the Power of Dua—Stop Your Divorce Now!

Method To Perform Dua To Stop Divorce:

  1. First, do Wudu.
  2. Read Surah-Ar-Rahman three times.
  3. Read Darood Shareef 11 times.
  4. After any Salah, recite Surah Al-Fatihah verse 216 as often as possible.
  5. Imagine your spouse and pray to Allah (SWT) to stop your divorce.

Perform this Dua to Stop Divorce continuously for 15–20 days with utter devotion and patience; follow our advice (Given Below) for the best results.

Insha Allah, you may find your arguments will stop and your divorce will not happen.

If you recite this “Dua to Stop Divorce” with complete trust in the Almighty Allah (SWT), it will also help you resolve arguments with each other.

Powerful Dua To Stop Divorce (Save your marriage from divorce)
Stop your divorce with the grace of Allah (SWT) This method is used to perform Dua to Stop Divorce.

If you are seeking prompt and efficient results with the assistance of Molana Ashif Ali Khan, you may avail of his consultation services via WhatsApp. 

He is a qualified and experienced Islamic scholar and spiritual healer who can guide and support various issues related to spirituality, family matters, marriage, and personal growth. 

Please share this article as much as possible, because doing so may change someone’s life and prevent divorce.

By doing this, the blessings of Allah Ta’ala will be showered upon you, and this will be a kind of hadiya and sadka (charity) on your part.

Communication is essential in every relationship. Without communication, we face many ups and downs in our relationship. If your husband is not listening to you, you can read this article, “Dua for a husband to listen to his wife. “

Another Dua To Save Marriage From Divorce

In marital strife, praying and seeking guidance from a higher power are important.

This is why we share another powerful dua to save marriages from divorce.

Reciting this dua with sincerity and faith is believed to help mend broken relationships and strengthen the bond between husband and wife.

May Allah SWT bless all couples with a happy and harmonious marriage. Ameen.

A Dua To Save Your Marriage From Divorce is: “Wa qaala Moosaa Rabbeee a’alamu biman jaaa’a bilhudaa min ‘indihee wa man takoonu lahoo ‘aaqibatud daari innahoo laa yuflihuz zaalimoon.” By reciting this dua, you can save your marriage from divorce through the blessings of Allah (SWT). This dua fulfils your needs to save your marriage and bless you with a happy marriage.

Reference And Meaning

This supplication is drawn from the Quran, specifically from verse 28:37, and here is the meaning of this dua: “My Lord knows best who comes with guidance from Him and who shall have a good end in the hereafter; surely the unjust shall not be successful.”

Dua To Save Marriage From Divorce
Powerful Dua To Save Your Marriage From Divorce Strengthen Your Bond With Allah’s Blessings

Step-by-Step Method To Perform Dua To Save Marriage From Divorce:

  1. Begin with ablution.
  2. Then chant 2-3 dhikr and offer Salawat.
  3. Read Surah Fatiha twice.
  4. Finally, recite verse 37 of Surah Al-Qasas 232 times to stop your divorce.

Do this method at least for 2 weeks with complete determination, and, inshallah, Allah will save the marriage from Divorce. 

Powerful Dua To Stop Divorce (Save your marriage from divorce)

In addition to reciting duas, seeking counseling and support from a trusted religious leader, like our Molana Ashif Ali, can also help save a marriage from divorce.

If you feel that your life is not as it was before with your husband and are unhappy under evil eyes, you can use this “Dua to reunite husband and wife love” to solve this issue.

Niyyah (It is performed to build strong intentions)

It is very important to have pure intentions in Islam, even if they are to achieve anything, and even if you are praying for something to achieve anything from Allah Ta’ala.

If so, your intentions need to be pure because they determine what results you will achieve.

“Verily actions are judged by intentions.”

(Sahih Bukhari 1)

Here is an example of niyyah to get what you want from Allah SWT:

Al-Khabeer, you are all aware of everything. Nothing ever remains hidden from you. I am making this dua to stop Divorce. 

Al-Azeez, please hear my dua because I have many problems in this marriage. Your mercy is unlimited, and show me the light of your mercy because my marriage is on the edge of ending.

Follow Some Advice Before You Start Dua to Stop Divorce (Save Marriage From Divorce)

You should follow some rules when performing these duas, because a dua offered to Allah in an insincere manner can be considered a sin.

  • Do proper wudu before reciting this, Dua to stop divorce.

“Unless he does ablution once more, Allah does not accept the prayer of a person who has broken his wudu.”

Sahih al-Bukhari 135
  • Start by seeking refuge in Allah. Begin by saying, “A’udhu billahi minash shaitanir rajeem,” which means “I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the accursed.”

Abu Huraira then said: You may recite if you so like (the verse):” I seek Thy protection for her and her offspring against satan the accursed” (iii. 36).

Sahih Muslim 2366a
  • These duas will require dedication and trust in Allah (SWT).

“If you have the proper level of confidence in Allah, He will care for you just as He does the birds. They depart in the morning empty-handed and return in the evening with food.”

Sunan Ibn Majah 4164
  • Women should avoid performing “dua to stop divorce” during their menses.
  • Be patient as Allah (SWT) answers our prayers in His time.

“Whoever remains patient, Allah will make their affairs easy for them.”

Sahih al-Bukhari 6470
  • Only tell people about it once your dua (prayer) is accepted.

“The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘What is between the east and the west is the Qiblah (prayer direction).’”

Sunan Ibn Majah 1011
  • Do not use any Black magic or haram things while performing this dua.

“Whoever learns some magic should be given no way to deal with it.”

Sahih al-Bukhari 5766

Powerful Wazifa To Stop Divorce

Wazifa to Stop Your Divorce is a spiritual practice from Islamic tradition that involves reciting specific verses and prayers to seek Allah’s help in preventing divorce.

It is believed that the wazifa can bring peace, love, and understanding between the couple, remove misunderstandings, and improve their relationship.

If you want your husband to love you, then consider reading “Wazifa to make your husband crazy in love with you” and “Surah to make your husband love you.

Methods to Perform Wazifa or Dua for Saving Marriage:

To perform this dua, you must wake up early and perform wudu.


In the end, secretly put this paper into your husband’s clothes and pray to Allah (SWT) to save your marriage from divorce.

Perform this wazifa every Friday until you see any results. While doing this wazifa, keep your mind focused and your intentions clean.

Powerful Dua To Stop Divorce (Save your marriage from divorce)
Save Your Marriage with the Powerful Wazifa To Stop Divorce

The Wazifa to Save Marriage from Divorce will prevent your marriage from going into chaos. If you have conflict and misunderstandings with your spouse, causing a fall in your relationship, then the “Dua for husband and wife to get back together “will help you.

The Story of Abdullah and Aisa: Guiding the Path of Divorce

Once upon a time, during the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) lifetime, Abdullah and Aisa had many difficulties in their union.  

They were both long married and were known for their true love.

But recently, some such problems arose in their relationship, which went to the point of divorce.

Hearing about their condition, Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) called both of them into his presence.

The Prophet (PBUH) began by reminding Abdullah and Aissa of the importance of patience and time in marriage.  

He quoted a hadith saying,

“The best of you are those who are best to your spouses, and I am the best of you to your wives.”

Reference: Riyad as-Salihin 278

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) highlighted that divorce is not the last alternative and encouraged Abdullah and Aisha to try to resolve their differences.  

He reminded them of the importance of communication, understanding, and settlement in marriage.

Finally, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) concluded the meeting by offering sincere prayers for the couples.

Abdullah and Ayesha finally began a new life after being motivated by the Prophet’s (PBUH) advice and prayers.

With time and Allah’s (SWT) blessings and sincere efforts, Abdullah and Ayesha resolved their differences and rebuilt their marriage.  

Their love and respect for each other were rekindled, and they became an inspiring example of a successful and lasting union.

Need more help? Check Out This Dua to stop divorce video:

If you seek guidance on preventing your divorce with the help of Dua to Stop Divorce and Wazifa, you may find the following video helpful.

The video provides complete information on the proper methods and procedures to stop your divorce.

We made a considerable effort to explain the process in detail, ensuring that the viewers fully understand the significance of the dua and wazifa in preventing divorce.

What does the Quran say about divorce?

People frequently ask us what Allah says about divorce in Islam, so we’ll fill you in on everything today. In the Quran, Surat Al-Baqarah Verse [2:231] mentions:

"When you divorce a woman and complete your period, you release that woman from your captivity or maintain the relationship on your terms."

Moreover, remember that you have no malice toward the woman and will take no action against her. Anyone who does this is being unfair to himself.

Because taking the verses of Allah (SWT) in jest and not remembering that grace of Allah what is on you can prove to be hazardous, fear Allah and know He is the Knower of all. You cannot hide anything from him.

According to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), divorce is the evil that Allah detests the most.

In this run-of-the-mill life, husband and wife are not able to give time to each other, and that is why there is no love between you as before, and you want both of you to have the same love again as before; then you can pray for this “Dua to make a happy life with your husband.”

Benefits of Reciting Dua To Save Marriage From Divorce

Dua, or supplication, is an essential act of worship in Islam. When it comes to saving a marriage from divorce, performing dua can have several benefits, including:

  • Seeking help from Allah: By performing dua, a person acknowledges their reliance on Allah to help save their marriage.
  • Finding peace and solace: Performing dua to save marriage from divorce can provide comfort and solace for those experiencing marital difficulties.
  • Strengthening the bond between spouses: By performing dua together, spouses can strengthen their bond and renew their commitment.
  • Overcoming obstacles: Dua can help overcome obstacles preventing a couple from reconciling.
  • Obtaining blessings and mercy from Allah: Performing dua for the success of a marriage can result in blessings and mercy from Allah.

If you want your husband to love you madly, pay all his attention to you, and become crazy in love with you, you can read the article “Wazifa to Make your husband Crazy in Love.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any Dua to save marriage from divorce?

If you want to save your marriage from divorce, recite this dua after every salah: “O Allah, the Most Merciful and Forgiving, I request that you show my life partner and me the right direction and stop us from agreeing to divorce.” 1000 times.

How to Stop Divorce in Islam

If you want to save your marriage from divorce, there are many ways you can try.

First, try to understand each other’s needs and avoid being self-centered.
If you disagree, try resolving it quickly rather than letting it escalate.

Spend quality time together regularly, and if you make a mistake, apologize quickly and avoid being defensive.

If your relationship has deteriorated significantly, you could also read and implement prayers to help improve it.

With the help of Allah, these dua’s could save your relationship from breaking.

Which Surah To Save Marriage?

Surah An-Naziat is the most powerful surah to stop your divorce. In that case, you should recite Durood Shareef for Elven times. 

Then, recite Surah An-Nazi’at (79:01–79:05) five times for one week after Isha Namaz, as given below.

Surah An-NaziatWaan naazii aati ghharqa Waan naaa shi taaati naashta Waass saaabi-haaati saabha Faass saaabi qaaati saabqa Faa mu daab-bi raaati amraa.

English Translation: “By those [angels] who extract with violence. Who removes with ease, and those who soar as if swimming? Moreover, those who race each other in ethnicity and place each matter.”

How do I change my husband’s mind about divorce?

You can change your husband’s mind by showing more affection and respect or performing this “Dua to create love in your husband’s heart” This will help you.


In the end, the purpose of this entire article is only to give you a Dua To Stop Divorce and save you from divorce, and that too in a completely halal way.

Through this entire article, you will learn how to save your marriage from divorce through dua by having faith in Allah Taala.

You can easily stop your divorce and save your lives from getting spoiled.

If you are confused about whether any of the above-given “dua to save marriage from divorce” and wazifa will be better for you, then we would like to tell you that you can do any dua and wazifa for yourself; the only condition is that you have full faith in Allah.

Often, we get many emails, calls, and messages in which our Muslim brothers and sisters tell us how some people have cheated them in the name of Allah.

So I request that you please Don’t get influenced by the words of such people and save your life from getting ruined. Perform this Dua to Stop Divorce mentioned above with full faith in Allah (SWT).

Inshallah, your divorce will stop. Still, if any question comes to mind, feel free to share it with us in the comment box below. Our expert, Molana, will answer you.

And remember to give your valuable feedback so that we can know whether this article written by our hard work was useful to you or not. To give feedback, please share your message in the comment box below.

4 thoughts on “Powerful Dua To Stop Divorce (Save your marriage from divorce)”

  1. The above dua has really shown effect, my husband has come back to me and our divorce has stopped, thank you once again Maulana Asif Ali Khan

  2. Asalamu alaikkum. I would like to thank to the Molana Ashif ali khan. This Dua and wazifa helped me to stop my divorce.

  3. I am speechless for my help from Molana Ashif Ali Khan when I needed help to save my marriage. I want to tell everyone there is a real Molvi shab that works effectively. Everything has changed for good. My husband, who had dumped me for over a year, returned with the help of Molana Ashif Ali Khan when I contacted him for a solution on how I could get my husband back. He did a reunion Dua or wazifa with the help of the Quran Shareef for me and told me he would come back home on his own I had a little doubt. Still, I had to know the choice to remain calm. My husband returned home after three days after the ruhani wazifa and dua were done, to my greatest surprise. I was surprised at how this worked. Today we are living in peace again. All thanks to Molana Ashif Ali Khan.


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