Powerful Dua For Missing or Lost Person To Return

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to all our Islamic Nuskhe Readers.

Today we give you Dua For Missing or Lost Person to Return in a proper halal method in this article. So read this article properly and don’t skip any part of it for better understanding.

It is depressing and isolating to realize that someone near and dear to you has lost his way of life. Perhaps the person has physically moved away from you or has become lost. In that case, your life can come to a standstill.

If a person has run away from home or if someone has been lost for a long day and after watching out for the person so hard, if the person is not found or if any little rummage related to the person has been found,

Then you should make a dua for someone who is lost to the almighty Allah from the core of your heart with pure faith in Allah. According to Islam, nothing is impossible if the almighty Allah blesses you.

You may suddenly feel like there’s no meaning to life anymore. But don’t worry if you have lost someone. You can once again bring them back to life.

If you are wondering how you can do that, then that’s when Wazifa and Dua will come to your rescue.

Would you like to know how you can perform a day to bring back a lost someone? If yes, then keep reading this blog.

If you read this blog for your lost love back then we suggest to read “Dua for love back.”

Powerful Dua For Missing or Lost Person To Return

If you want a missing or lost person to return to you, recite “Inna Lillahi wa Inna ilayhi raji’un” This dua is 541 times after Dhuhr salah daily. Don’t forget to pray to Allah SWT. In your words, for that person, return to you and follow the method below for this dua.

Reference And Meaning

This dua is taken from Surah Al-Baqarah Verse (2:156) and the meaning of this dua is: “We indeed belong to ALLAH and toward Him are returning.”

Dua For Missing or Lost Person To Return
We deliver Dua For Missing or Lost Person To Return In This Image.

Step By Step Method To Perform dua for missing person to return:

Note This: Do this dua after the Asar afternoon prayer for best effects.

  • Do Wudu.
  • Keep the photo of the lost person in front of you.
  • While looking at that photo, recite “Ya Illaha Illalah” 541 times.
  • Finally, recite Surah Al-Baqarah Verse (2:156) 234 times and pray to Allah SWT In your words for that lost person back to you.

Follow this Dua For Missing or Lost Person To Return for 15 days regularly after any salah. InshaAllah, you will find out about that lost person in 15 days.

If you want quick and effective low-time results, then contact Molana Ashif Ali Khan on WhatsApp.

If you pray for the Dua For Someone Who Is Lost with all your heart, you will soon find the person in a good and healthy situation.

Remember that making a dua doesn’t mean you will get your desired result by enchanting the lines. It would help if you followed the proper rules when reciting the “Dua For Someone come back to you.”

Precaution to Perform Dua For Someone Who Is Lost

If you have the intention to know more about the precautions of the Dua For Missing or Lost Person To Return, then you are absolutely at the right place.

Follow the precautions to make the dua reachable to the almighty Allah –

  1. Always make a fresh ablution before reciting the Dua.
  2. You should pray this dua at a specific time each day to get a better result.
  3. It would help if you recited every word of the dua with clear pronunciation. Amy, little misspelled words will cause you a negative result.
  4. There should be blind faith in Allah inside your heart. Otherwise, the dua will not affect you at a single cost.
  5. If you pray the dua by following all the precautions in your heart, your dua will be accepted by the almighty Allah, which will surely help you, and you will find the lost person without any doubt.

Click On This Important Note Before Doing Any Dua or Wazifa

Frequently Asked Questions

Prayer for a missing person in islam

You can read the Powerful Dua to get lost love back. Do this with all the instructions, which will help you with your problems. And if you want more details, you can contact our maulana Ji to give you the best Islamic solutions for your problems.

According to Islam, which dua should be read when something is lost?

If you have lost something meant to you, you should pray for the Dua Surah Al-Baqarah until you find the lost thing.

Always remember that there is nothing possible on this earth without the blessing of Allah. Hence, keep reciting the dua with a strong faith in Allah, and then you will find the lost thing.

My partner suddenly lost interest in me, and I wanted him to love me like before. Can Dua help me with this problem?

You can recite Dua to get your loved one back. It will help you greatly in this problem and perform this Dua with all the precautions. 

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