Powerful Dua To Make Someone Agree To What You Say (Obey You)

Aslam Walikum All dear brothers and sisters, in this article, we will discuss the importance of Dua To Make Someone Agree To What You Say in proper halal method with tested and verified sources.

It’s natural to want our loved ones, be they our partners, family members, or friends, to follow our words and respect our opinions.

However, you may find that your partner is not responding to your good intentions or showing disobedience.

It may seem difficult to make them listen to us sometimes, and we may feel frustrated and helpless.

But do not worry, as we have a solution for you. We promise that if you recite this powerful dua, you will easily make someone obey and listen to you.

Remembering that this dua must be performed with a pure heart and good intentions is important.

So read this article properly so as not to miss any part of it.

We promise you that you will get the desired results if you do this dua properly with faith in Allah (SWT).

One more thing we need to make clear is that the Dua To Make Someone Agree To What You Say given below and the method are entirely halal.

It is not black magic, and we are strictly against black magic. It is haram in Islam. So we request that you only follow the Quran and sunnah; may Allah tala give you a long life.

Follow Some Recommendations Before you start these duas or wazifa

Following specific advice and procedures is important to ensure Allah receives your dua. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Perform this dua after doing Wuzu and keep your face towards Qibla to have your dua accepted soon.
  2. Make sure to have pure intentions when making dua to make someone obey you and avoid harmful intentions.
  3. Women who are menstruating should refrain from reciting this particular dua.
  4. Trusting Allah and His power to answer your dua and make it successful is important.
  5. Be consistent and patient with the process to get effective results quickly.
  6. Do not use any black magic while doing this dua. It is haram in Islam.

Following these precautions and procedures increases the likelihood of your question being answered, and the person you want to obey will start listening to your words and following your instructions.

It may be helpful to seek guidance from a reputable Islamic scholar or imam like our Moulana Ashif Ali Khan, who has 35 years of experience.

Powerful Dua to make someone agree to what you say

Halal and working Dua to make someone agree to what you say is: “Rabbi shrah li sadri wa yassir li amri wahlul ‘uqdatan min lisani yafqahu qawli.” By reciting this dua, you make the person you want agree with what you say.

Reference And Meaning

This dua is recorded in (Quran Chapter 20 Verse 25-28), and its meaning is: “My Lord, expand for me my chest [with assurance] and ease for me my task, and untie the knot from my tongue that they may understand my speech.”

Powerful Dua to make someone agree to what you say
Say Goodbye to Rejection: Use Dua to Make Anyone Agree with You

Methods to perform Dua to make someone agree to what you say:

  • Start praying during the last third of the night.
  • Make Wuzu.
  • Recite Surat taha Verse 25-28, 100 times.
  • After that, say, “O Allah, I ask for Your guidance and help in making [person’s name] obey and listen to me.”
  • End the dua by praising and sending blessings upon the beloved prophet Mohammad (SAW).

Perform this Dua To Make Someone Agree To What You Say regularly and consistently for 15–20 days after Namaz or at the right time, rather than just making a one-time request.

Methods to perform Dua to make someone agree to what you say
Learn Methods to perform Dua to make someone agree to what you say by this image.

This shows your persistence and dedication to your supplication and can also help to support your belief and trust in Allah (SWT).

If you need a fast and efficient solution and are looking for the best possible results, you may want to seek guidance from our expert, Molana Ashif Ali Khan.

You can easily consult him through WhatsApp and benefit from his extensive knowledge and experience.

With his guidance, you can find effective solutions to your problems and overcome any obstacles holding you back.

Whether you face personal or professional challenges, Molana Ashif Ali Khan can help you find the right path and achieve your goals.

So don’t hesitate to contact him today and take the first step towards a better tomorrow.

Please share this article with other people. It will add to your good deed, and Allah (SWT) will reward you.

READ Powerful Dua To Get What You Want Immediately (Get Anything You Want In Seconds)

Powerful Dua to make someone obey and listen to you

If you want that, with the help of Dua (prayer), you can make someone agree to your point so that the other person listens to you and agrees.

It is possible, but the only condition is that your intentions should be clear in this work, because if your intention is not clear and if you think of any haram things in your mind, then this dua will not show you any effects.

If you even think of doing so, it will have adverse effects on you, so first of all, make sure that your intention is absolutely clear; there is no Haram intention in it.

So let us know which is the dua in Quran Pak; by reciting which, you can easily convince the person in front of you so that he listens to you and obeys you.

A dua to make someone obey and listen to you is: “Rabbana atina fiddunya hasanatan wa fil akhirati hasanatan waqina ‘adhaban-nar.” Which means “Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the fire.” Reference: Surah Baqarah ayah 201.

Powerful Dua to make someone obey and listen to you
Learn the Power of Dua: The Key to Making Someone Obey You and Listen to You!

Methods to perform Dua to make someone obey and listen to you: 

  1. Select a place to concentrate on your Dua without distractions.
  2. To make someone obey and listen to you, Recite Surah Baqarah ayah 201 100 times.
  3. End your dua by saying, Alhamdulillah, Rabbil aalameen.”

Perform this dua regularly before or after Namaz with complete faith in Allah (SWT).

Remember, Allah (SWT) is the Most Merciful and Generous, and He loves it when His servants turn to Him in supplication. May Allah (SWT) guide and bless you in your efforts.

Methods to perform Dua to make someone obey and listen to you
Learn how to perform Dua to make someone obey and listen to you

Read: Powerful Duas For Solving All Problems (Immediate Help From Allah)

If you are praying this dua for someone you love and want that person to miss you and call you, then please recite this dua to make someone miss you.


The article guides you on Dua To Make Someone Agree To What You Say.

It emphasizes the importance of performing the dua with pure intentions and following specific advice to ensure Allah accepts it. 

The article recommends performing Wuzu, facing Qibla, and having consistency and patience with the process. 

It also advises avoiding black magic and seeking guidance from a reputable Islamic scholar. 

The article includes two duas. The first asks Allah to expand the chest, ease the task, and untie the knot from the tongue to make the person understand the speech. 

The second dua asks Allah for goodness in this world and the hereafter and protection from the punishment of fire.

The article concludes by emphasizing the importance of persistence, dedication, and trust in Allah’s mercy and power to answer Duas.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to make someone obey you?

If you want someone to obey you, here are some steps you can follow:

  • Seek Allah’s guidance and help. Before making someone obey you, ask Allah for His guidance and help through the dua mentioned above.
  • Reciting certain Surahs from the Quran. Surah Al-Fatiha, considered the most important Surah in the Quran; Surah Al-Anam; and Surah Al-Baqarah Recite these surahs, then make dua for guidance and help the person obey you.
  • Be patient. Change does not happen overnight. Be patient and persistent in your efforts to make the person obey you. Keep making dua and seeking Allah’s help.
  • Seeking advice from Islamic scholars. You can seek the help of Moulana Ashif Ali Khan. 

He is an experienced Islamic scholar with 35 years of experience who can assist you in your situation and guide you in the best possible way.

With his knowledge and expertise in Islamic teachings, he can provide advice and strategies to solve your problem.

How to make someone obey you

Read Powerful Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You (100% Effective)

  • My husband disrespects me all the time and behaves very rudely. Is there any dua to change my husband’s behavior?

    If you are giving someone respect, you deserve to, and in this situation, you can recite the Powerful Dua For Husband Love And Respect

    Do it with all the precautions, and within a few days, you will start noticing changes in your husband’s behavior.

  • Can I make Dua convince someone to love me?

    First, recite “Minal Abdidh Khaleel IIal Mawlal Jalee” twelve times after Fajr Nawaz:

    Then pray to Allah to fulfill your request.

    Sleep well in the same area where you made the “Dua to make someone fall in love with you.”

    Do this ritual daily for 15 days. You might expect changes in the desired guy or woman within one week.

  • Is there any Surah to make someone obey you?

    To make someone obey you, Surah al-Haqqah is the most effective. First, make an ablution.

    Then recite DUROOD-E-DAWAAMI after reciting this Surah Al Haqqah verse (4 to 10) after Isha Nawaz does it while keeping deep faith in Allah SWT. 

    Within a week, you will see changes. This surah to make someone obey you is the easiest surah in the holy book of the Quran.

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