Important And Authentic Hadith From The Holy Prophet Muhammad

It is required of every Muslim to adhere to the Holy Prophet ﷺ’s teachings and Hadith. 

One who memorizes and adheres to the Holy Prophet ﷺ’s Hadith will receive a big reward. We are all aware that a sizable corpus of Hadith is included in six compiled books. With a busy life, learning all of these books got very challenging.

 Many of you, I’m sure, are looking for the most significant hadiths of the Holy Prophet ﷺ to study them and obtain the reward. 

I’m sharing the most significant Hadith of the Holy Prophet ﷺ with you just in case, and they are all only from the collections of Bukhari and Muslim. These Hadith are quick and straightforward to learn and memorize.

The Holy Prophet, ﷺ’s words, are mentioned here, and I hope they are helpful to all of my readers.

Authentic Hadith From Prophet Muhammad

A Hadith is a record of the traditions or sayings of the Holy Prophet ﷺ, who is revered and recognized as the second most important source of Islamic law and morality after the holy Quran. 

The following list includes the Holy Prophet ﷺ’s most significant Hadiths:


According to Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him)

Subhan-Allahi wa bihamdihi, Subhan-Allahil-Azim [Glory be to Allah and He is the praise, and] Allah, the Greatest, is free from imperfection,” the Holy Prophet ﷺ of Allah (s) said, “are two utterances that are light in the mouth, heavy in the scales, and pleasant to the merciful.”

[Bukhari and Muslim, Riyad as-Salihin/1408]

The solace for the heart and the soul comes from remembering Allah. The Holy Prophet ﷺ informs us of the enormous rewards that come from two exceedingly brief phrases spoken on a Muslim’s tongue in this Hadith.

The Arabic word “tasbeeh” means rejecting any flaw or imperfection from Allah. Saying “SubhanAllah” is the most common Arabic term for carrying out this action.



The two statements above can be spoken effortlessly in any circumstance.

The Holy Prophet ﷺ advised doing so because it is possible to repeat them repeatedly.


Gains from practicing Tasbeeh Saying “Subhanallahi wa Bihamdihi” repeatedly atones for sins because no one knows the number of transgressions and disobedience he does each day. 

Sins are not only pardoned; they also receive significant compensation from God. We all know how simple it is to say these words; thus, saying them daily makes the blessing more abundant.


At the time of Conviction, when all of our good and evil deeds will be weighed against one another, we are also told that a load of these two short lines will be hefty. 

The Holy Prophet ﷺ continued by saying that Allah is especially fond of these two words. This suggests that one of the best types of supererogatory worship is making the tasbeeh of Allah and praising Him.

Because Allah is willing to reward us greatly for performing even a tiny number of good deeds, this Hadith also teaches us about the breadth of His generosity toward us.


“Who among the people has the most right to be in my excellent company, said a man who approached the Holy Prophet ﷺ of Allah. 

Your mother, he retorted. Then who? The man asked. Your mother, he retorted. Then who? The man asked. Your mother, he retorted. Then who? The man asked. Your father, then he retorted.”

[Muslim/2548 and Bukhari/5971]

The mother is a representation of purity, honor, and sacrifice. She usually takes care of the child first. In this Hadith, the Holy Prophet ﷺ is questioned about who among the people is more deserving of an excellent company, and he replies that it is the mother. 

This point is emphasized by the Holy Prophet ﷺ three times, demonstrating the religion’s great regard for mothers relative to other family members.


The possible purpose behind the three references to Mother: 

The fact that the father is only mentioned once rather than repeatedly does not imply that his right to fair treatment is insufficient; instead, the goal is to highlight the importance of the mother’s right. 

Some hypothesize that the causes may be related to her lavish favoritisms of the child and the numerous emotional and physical challenges. 

She faced throughout her childbirth, delivery, and breastfeeding. She is more compassionate toward her children than anyone else and serves them.

The Holy Prophet ﷺ wished to emphasize this because too much affection, and care can make a child incapable of treating her with the respect she deserves or even cause the child to start taking her for granted.


The following five rights apply to Muslims:

  1. Thank you for the salam.
  2. Visiting sick people
  3. After the funeral
  4. Accepting a request
  5. Reciting Yarhamuka Allah (God has compassion on you) to the one who sneezes

[Bukhari/1471 and Muslim/1679]


Since all Muslims are regarded as belonging to the same brotherhood, each Muslim enjoys some rights that others do not because of this brotherly relationship. 

In the Hadith, the word “right” refers to the rights to sanctity and company. Whether a Muslim is virtuous, they all deserve to have these five rights upheld.

Read: Hadith About Husband And Wife Fighting

These are what they are:


This occurs when another Muslim says the salam, to which the listener responds by either repeating what they just said or extending it. 

For instance, when a Muslim greets someone with “Assalamu aliykum,” the person hearing it responds with “Wa alaykum al-saalam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.” 

If a Muslim receives a salam individually, they are required to respond; however, if a Muslim receives a salam on behalf of an entire group of people, they are permitted to decline. 

In the latter scenario, only one individual from the group is required to react to the salam, and all other individuals are released from it.

Individuals are not obligated to answer if they receive a salam while performing salah or using the lavatory.


When Muslims are ill, other Muslims should inquire after them, pray for them, and visit them as long as doing so doesn’t cause any harm. 

If we cannot see the ailing Muslim, we should at least inquire about their condition from people who are aware of it and offer prayers for them. People’s love for one another is strengthened when they visit the sick.


This entails taking part in the Muslim ritual prayer for the departed person, going to where they were buried, and praying for mercy and forgiveness.

When a Muslim offers a fellow Muslim to a feast, such as a wedding feast, or the like, this is referred to as accepting an invitation. 

This is an aspect of healthy interpersonal connection and companionship. As long as nothing that Islam forbids is present, a Muslim should take such invites from fellow Muslims and go to the gathering.


This is a supplication for the person who sneezes and then praises Allah. This has several advantages, like winning the love of others, fusing hearts, disciplining the soul by shattering its ego, gaining humility, etc.

The five actions above are just a few that we can take to improve the ummah’s love and harmony while also removing hate and resentment from our hearts. 

Read: 6 Signs That Your Dua Is Accepted By Allah (SWT)

Other accounts also include a few more rights not covered by the preceding five, such as supporting the oppressed, offering accurate counsel to those who ask for it, and keeping promises.


“After Ramadan, Muharram, the month of Allah, is the finest time to fast. The night prayer is the second-best prayer after the required one.”

[Bukhari/1739 and Muslim/ 1679]


A believer is rewarded more for doing acts of worship at specific times and locations than at other times and locations because those hours and locations are considered more sacred than others.

This Hadith teaches us, first of all, that mandatory deeds take precedence over optional deeds. Only after the former is finished are the latter finished.

The Holy Prophet ﷺ then reveals to us two alternative deeds that draw the enslaved person nearer to Allah.

Read: Powerful Duas For Solving All Problems (Immediate Help From Allah)

Muharram, the first month of the Islamic Hijri calendar, is the first of these, and the second is the night prayer.

This marks the start of the Islamic new year. It is one of the holy months during which no fighting is allowed.

It is termed “the month of Allah” to emphasize its significance and magnificence, which is one of the Arabic language’s rhetorical tactics.

It is attributed to Allah whenever it is necessary to demonstrate the significance or greatness of something.

For this reason, words like “the Holy Prophet ﷺ of Allah,” “the abode of Allah,” etc., are also used.

Some academics believe January is the ideal month since it allows us to begin the new year with worship and charitable activities.

Similarly, we begin each day with the Fajr prayer and a few Sunnah-recommended supplications known as the “adhkaar of the morning and evening.”

Since fighting while fasting might be challenging, it is simpler for even soldiers to fast this month because combat is outlawed.

According to this Hadith, “the night prayer” refers to the tahajjud prayer performed during the final third of the night.


Following are some essential factors of offering Tahajud:

  • You have no one to display your prayer too. Thus it is more probable to be a sincere one for Allah alone.
  • At such a moment, the person is idle and free from any daily worries, allowing them to concentrate solely on prayer and their connection to Allah.
  • The person is sidetracked and unable to concentrate on worship during the day because their mind is typically racing with other activities that need to be finished.
  • For the reasons above, the believer has an easier time interacting with the Qur’an late at night and not missing passages when reciting from memory.


The benefits of adhering to this Hadith are as follows:

  • The Tahajud prayer has the power to prevent acts of sin and wickedness and provide inner strength and mental serenity.
  • Fasting on the Day of Ashura appears to offer spiritual redemption.
  • It also gives you a chance to clean your slate of any minor sins you may have accumulated over the previous year.
  • The third phase of the night is the most beneficial time to make wishes or duas.

“As long as the primary sins are avoided, the five congregational prayers, one Friday prayer following the next, and one Ramadan to the next serve as atonements for anything that occurred in between. “

[Muslim/2548 and Bukhari/5971]


In this Hadith, the Holy Prophet ﷺ tells us specifically about three religious activities: the five daily prayers, the Friday prayer, and Ramadan fasting. 

He says that if we perform these three acts of worship regularly and with all of their prerequisites and pillars met while avoiding the major sins, they will atone for our certain minor transgressions.

Read: Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum Birahmatika Astaghees (Meaning and Benefits)

This demonstrates the critical roles fasting and prayer (salah) play in atoning for our sins.

Major sins, as was previously stated, demand genuine repentance; good deeds alone will not be enough to erase them. On how precisely to identify serious sins, experts have differing views.

Role of Hadiths in Islamic Law

 The hadith’s role as one of the sources of law following the Qur’an is to serve as the next source of support in situations when the Qur’an is not yet clear.

Hadiths are brief and ambiguous descriptions of almost everything written in the Islamic Scriptures, specifically the Qur’an in its entirety or generally.

They serve as a source of Islamic law.

By applying the Source of Islamic Shari’a, one of the happy ways according to Islam in the life of the world, the holy book of the Qur’an and the hadith become a unity to guide humanity, especially Muslims.

It is one of the fundamental sources of Islamic law.

The following are some examples of actual sins: 

  • Sins for which the Qur’an or Sunnah mentions a potential punishment
  • Sins for which the Qur’an or Sunnah specifies a required penalty, either in this life or the next.
  • Sins for which the Qur’an or Sunnah states that the perpetrator will be cursed
  • Some people limited it to the seven deadly sins mentioned in a specific hadith: forming a partnership with Allah, using black magic, killing an innocent person, charging interest, consuming an orphan’s property, giving one’s back to the enemy, leaving the battlefield while fighting, and accusing chaste women of fornication without evidence.


Because we were all made to be frail, we are prone to committing errors and sin. 

There are also a lot of times when the Shaytaan or our humble inner selves (nafs) take control of us, and we end up performing things that are against the rules of the faith. 

Allah created specific works as atonement for the tiny transgressions we all do regularly, provided we perform them while refraining from significant transgressions. 

Performing worship under all of its conditions is one of these deeds.

This Hadith teaches us about Allah’s kindness toward us and how He compensates us greatly, even for small deeds. He gives us many chances to make up for the repeated errors we commit.

May Allah show us to truth and provide us the fortitude to adhere to the Sunnah and Hadith of the Holy Prophet ﷺ. Ameen!

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