Powerful Wazifa To Make Husband Crazy In love (Fall In Love With You)

As-salam Alaykum to All dear Sisters, Today we share “Wazifa to Make Husband Crazy in Love With You.” 

Yes, if you want your husband to love you like crazy, then you are in the right place.

We share all dua and wazifa in proper Quranic halal methods with tested and verified  sources.

Our motive behind writing this article is only that our sisters get their husbands’ love as they want, in a completely Islamic halal way.

We promise that if you read this article properly with faith in Almighty Allah, your husband will love you like you want. So don’t miss any part of this article if you want your husband’s love.

We have countless wazifas and duas designed to help married people out of their issues. 

Importance of Wazifa To Make your Husband love you

The relationship between a husband and a wife is supposed to last a lifetime. A happy relationship goes well beyond just one lifetime.

However, at times, this relationship goes through rough patches. As a result, the husband grows distant from the wife.

This can make things difficult for the wife, as she can sense the husband moving slowly away from her. 

Are you in that phase of your marriage where that spark, when you two had just gotten married, is no longer there?

Many couples experience it, and it’s quite natural. But instead of losing all hope,the smart thing is to think about the solution.

Wazifa To Make Husband Crazy In love, there is a way to get your husband’s love back.

The blessing of Allah is essential for every wedding. You must believe in Allah and pray to Him for His gifts every day.

Then, no power will take away your husband if Allah’s benefits come with you. Also, Wazifa, for wife issues between your husband and you, would eliminate all marital problems.

We want to be clear that the Dua and Wazifa listed below and the methods for performing them are entirely halal. These are not black magics.

Here Is “Wazifa to Make Husband Crazy in Love” Step by Step:

  1. First, make proper Wudu.
  2. Read Durood Sharif 11 times.
  3. Now, read Surah Ya-Sin twice.
  4. After that, Recite Surah AL-JUMU’AH AYAT 1 
  5. Finally, pray to Allah (SWT) to make your husband crazy in love with you.

Follow this method daily for 15 days after any two salahs if you want your husband’s love back.

For quick and effective results under the free guidance of Molana Ashif Ali Khan, you have to contact WhatsApp by clicking on the WhatsApp icon below.

Do this Wazifa To Make Husband Crazy In love for at least one month. And pray to Almighty Allah (SWT) for both of you to rebuild love between yourselves. Remember, “Whatever benefit you have is from Allah, Tala.” (16:53)

Wazifa to make Husband crazy in love
Find peace and blessings with this Wazifa to make your Husband crazy in love

Narrated by Jabir ibn Abdullah: “A woman said to the Prophet (ﷺ): Invoke blessing on me as well as on my Husband. The Prophet (ﷺ) said: May Allah send a blessing on you and your Husband.”

Sunan Abi Dawud 1533

If you wish for fast and immediate effects, you should contact our Molana Ashif Ali Khan.

Remember to share this article with other sisters. You can save her life, inshallah, and Allah (SWT) will reward you.

If you are in love with someone and want to spend your life with them or marry them, and if you are facing caste or religious issues, then you can use this “Ya latifu ya wadud for Love marriage” This will surely help you.

Here is “Wazifa for Husband Love” step-by-step:

First, grab a portrait of your husband and place it in front of you, where you will perform this wazifa.

Now recite Durood e Ibrahim 13 times and “Ya Wadoodo” 541 times. After that, To get your husband’s love Read Surah Ikhlas  15 times and recite, “Oh Allah, please bless our marriage and help my husband to love me more each day.” 234 times.

Blow on your husband‘s photo. Talk to Allah Tallah and pray to him so He will bestow you with endless love and support from your husband.

Do this consistently for at least 27 days. Within 27 days, you will see the effects of this Wazifa To Make Husband Crazy In love.

Wazifa for husband love

Here Is Dua To Make Husband Mad In Love With You:

A powerful dua to make your husband mad and love you is: “Wa min Aayaatiheee an khalaqa lakum min anfusikum azwaajal litaskunooo ilaihaa wa ja’ala bainakum mawad datanw wa rahmah; inna fee zaalika la Aayaatil liqawminy yatafakkaroon.” By reciting this dua, the wife can get back the lost love of her husband so that he will love her madly.

Reference And Meaning

This dua is taken from (Quran 30:21) and here is the meaning of this dua: “What can society expect us to do as men or women (husband or wife) instead of thinking about this? We should try to emulate the Prophet (PBUH) by communicating our needs with each other and coming to agreements that suit both of us.”

Dua To Make Husband Mad In Love With You
Enhance your connection with your husband by Dua To Make Husband Mad In Love With You

Method To Perform This Dua To Make Husband Mad In Love With You:

  • Start with a fresh wuzu because cleanliness is essential to Islam.
  • After that, offer Namaz with a pure heart and devotion.
  • Now chant Darood Sharif three times.
  • Finally, to make your husband madly in love with you, recite verse 21 of Surah Ar-Rum 435 times for one week after any Salah.

To get the best effects out of it, use the niyyah given below.

Method To Perform This Dua To Make Husband Mad In Love With You

Niyyah To Make Husband Crazy In Love

AL-BAARI,” you always bring happiness and peace into my life today. I am doing this dua to make my husband crazy in Love.

AL-‘ALEEM,” you know how much I love my husband, but I don’t remember suddenly he is not behaving well with me, and I want that love back into his eyes.” 

Recite Surah Yasin For Husband Love

Surah Yasin is one of the essential surahs of the Quran, and there are numerous rewards for reciting Surah Yasin. 

“Reading Surah Yasin once equals reading ten times of Quran.” It is capable of fulfilling the needs of readers. “It is considered the heart of Quran sharif.”

If you appropriately recite this surah, it will give you results that can make your life happy and prosperous.

Recite Surah Yasin with all your heart and utter faith in Allah (SWT), which will surely increase the Husband’s love towards you. Chanting verses of Surah Yasin also grants you forgiveness and removes your sins.

Still, Have Questions About This Wazifa? Watch This Video To Get The Answers You Need

Suppose you are uncertain or hesitant about the effectiveness of the wazifa in making your husband crazy in love with you.

In such a case, we are happy to inform you that we will make a complete video that answers your questions and concerns regarding this wazifa.

This video is designed to provide clear and concise answers and a detailed explanation of the proper method to perform the wazifa.

You can easily fit the three-minute video into your busy schedule due to its short length.

After watching this video, we guarantee that all your doubts and apprehensions will be resolved, and you will better understand how to perform the wazifa confidently and clearly.

So, watch this video below to learn more about wazifa To Make your Husband Crazy In love.

6 Things You Should Know About This Wazifa:

  1. Sister doesn’t do this “Wazifa to Make Husband Crazy in Love” during their menstruation cycle. (Periods)
  2. If you do this dua or wazifa correctly but don’t see any effects, that means someone is doing black magic on your relationship.
  3. If you think someone is doing this to your relationship, contact our Molana Ashif Ali Khan immediately.
  4. The purpose of this wazifa is to connect you with that source of infinite love.
  5. “When a husband and wife look at each other with love, Allah looks at both with mercy” [Bukhari 6:19; Tirmidhi 14:79].
  6. This hadith means that when the husband and wife maintain love for each other, Allah also has mercy on their relationship.

If your husband does not love you anymore and gets very angry at you and wants him to behave like an average person and love you again, you can see this article, “Dua calm down And Remove your Husband’s Anger.”



If you are hesitant about the above-given wazifa and which one will be better for you, then we would like to tell you that you can do any wazifa as per your wish; you have to have full faith in Allah while doing this wazifa.

We receive messages and emails under various pretexts telling us they have been cheated in the name of Allah.

Please do not waste your precious money and time by falling prey to the words of such people; instead, use the wazifa as mentioned above.

Do it with full faith in Allah Ta’ala; if you have any questions, please write them in the box below; our expert Maulana will answer you.

When you try this “Wazifa To Make Husband Crazy In love” for the specified period, you will see that your husband has started to fall in love with you. 

Any hurdle that might have been standing in the way of your love will automatically be removed.

Perhaps he is under much stress because of work, or maybe some financial burden is chipping away at his peace of mind. 

Therefore, perform namaz daily if you want to gain excellent mental clarity and work yourself out of trouble.

If you are experiencing some hardship that seems impossible, contact us. We will connect you with Molvi Ji, who will offer you the best possible solution.

Note: Allah (SWT) will praise you. If you make this dua known to more and more people because if you pass it on, they will benefit from it, and maybe it can change their lives, then it is obvious you will also get the reward for the good deed (sadaqah).

And also, tell us which Dua worked for you in the comment box below.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I increase love in my husband’s heart?

You can follow Surah An-Nur. First, read BISMILLAH AR-RAHEEM (111) times, and then recite verse (15) of Surah An-Nur after Maghrib Nawaz.

Now, finally, read Darood Sharif (11) times. Don’t forget to visualize your husband, by which you can quickly increase love in the husband’s heart. 

Is There any Surah to make your Husband fall in Love with you

Before beginning, recite Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm (11) times, then recite Surah Ya-Sin verse(5) ten times after Isha Nawaz.

Now, with complete faith, pray to Allah to make someone fall in love with you. Repeat this process for seven days after seven days. You will start noticing the effects.

I have been in a marriage for ten years, and suddenly my husband is losing interest in me, which makes me feel horrible. Please suggest some Dua for Increasing Love.

Don’t worry. You can perform Dua to increase Love in your Husband’s heart. After that, recite la ilaha illallah five times.

Don’t forget to imagine your husband and do it with full faith in Allah SWT; in a few days, it will increase love in your husband’s heart.

5 thoughts on “Powerful Wazifa To Make Husband Crazy In love (Fall In Love With You)”

  1. Before performing this wazifa my husband is behaving weird and rude so i started follow all the steps religiously and within few days he started doing care and respect for me I am forever Thankful for this may Allah Pak give you all the happiness.

  2. I have just started following this dua and i can see visibile changes its really powerful tha kyou for providing this🙏


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