Powerful Dua To Create And Put Love In Someone’s Heart (Halal+Tested)

Aslam alaikum to all our lovely readers today. We are sharing this Dua to create and put love in someone’s heart through this article. In this dua, we are seeking help from the Almighty in a halal way.

This dua helps to fill the heart of your partner with love.

Reading this dua with complete faith in Allah will create a strong feeling of love through which that person will express his love automatically.

Always Remember Almighty said, “Call upon Me, I will respond to you”

Quran 40:60

The benefit of doing this dua is countless because, first of all, by doing this, you will remember Allah (SWT), who will bless you with mercy so that you can achieve your goals.

You won’t find this dua and the proper method to perform it on any other website.

Follow Some Guidance Before You Start This Dua:

The Dua to Create Love in Someone’s Heart is one of the strong duas that helps you make your love life successful. 

But remember one thing in your mind. You should follow some rules and regulations to perform this dua:

  • Don’t tell anyone you are doing this dua because it will not show any effects due to evil eyes.
  • Do five-time namaz along with dua to enhance the outcomes.
  • In Islam, it’s not Haram to love someone only if you intend to marry the person in the future, so your intention should be good.
  • Women should not perform this dua and wazifa during their menses.
  • It would help if you kept blind faith in Allah. Otherwise, no power in this world will help you achieve success.

Dua To Create And Put Love In Someone’s Heart

If you want to create and put love in someone’s heart for you, then recite this dua: “Allaahumma inni assaluka huubbaka waa hubba man yuhibbuka wal-amalalladhi yuballighuni hubbak. Allahummaj`al hubbaka ahabba ilaiyya min nafsi, wa ahli wa minal-ma’il-barid.” If you pray this dua with a true heart and full faith in Allah (SWT) as per the instructions below, you can create love for yourself in anyone’s heart.

Reference And Meaning

This dua is taken from Tirmidhi #3490 Hasan Ghareeb, and here is the meaning of this dua: “O Allah, I ask You for Your love, the love of those who love You, and the love of the action that will make me reach Your love. O Allah, make Your love more beloved to me than myself, my family and cold water.”

Dua To Create And Put Love In Someone's Heart
This image shows how to create and put love in someone’s heart.

Method to Perform Dua To Create And Put Love In Someone’s Heart:

  1. After any Salah, perform Wudu.
  2. Recite Durood Shareef 11 times.
  3. Now, take that person’s photo.
  4. Recite, “O Allah, I ask You to create love in that person’s heart whom I want; you are almighty have mercy on me” 343 times.
  5. Finally, blow on the person’s photo and spread five drops of ZamZam on the photo.

Follow this ritual regularly for 15 to 20 days for a better outcome. If you want a quick and effective solution in a short time, then you can contact our Molana Ashif Ali Khan.

Don’t forget to share this article with anyone because by doing so, it will be considered a kind of donation and charity (Hadiya or Sadka) which can change a person’s life positively.

By doing this, you will receive the blessings of Allah (SWT).

If someone left you, read Powerful Dua For Someone To Come Back To You.”

Niyyah (Intention that why you are performing Dua)

“AL-BARR,” you are the one whose blessings keep me secure and happy. “AL-HAADI”: By taking your name, my life becomes easy.

O Merciful, thank you for listening to my dua to create and put love in someone’s heart. 

“AL-QAYYOOM,” you know how much I feel for them, and they don’t possess the same feeling as mine, so please, with your mercy, reveal my love and create the same affection in their hearts.

My only intention is to live with them happily, and I know “AL-MUMEET” will guide us in that.

If you want someone to call you immediately, read Powerful Dua To Make Him Call Me Now and Think Of Me.”

Wazifa To Create Love In Someone’s Heart

  1. Begin by cleaning yourself.
  2. Perform Takbir.
  3. Now take Zamzam in a glass and recite this dua 435 times: “Allahummarzuqni hubbuka, waa hubba man yanfa’uni hubbuhu `indak.”
  4. Finally, say the person’s name, blow on the glass, drink that water and pray to Allah To Create Love in that person’s heart for you.

Do this ritual for 1-2 weeks at Tahajjud for Quick results.

Wazifa To Create Love In Someone's Heart
This image shows Wazifa To Create Love In Someone’s Heart.

This Powerful Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You also helps you if your problem is severe.

For More Information, Watch This Video:


Here in this article, we have provided this dua taken from the Quran sharif Quran Pak is one of the purest scriptures ever written. Quran is one of the most potent religious books ever written. 

Anyone who follows it regularly will never fail in life. It teaches you how to live a healthy and pure life with meaning and depth.

Many followers of Islamic Nuskhe have tried this dua and got excellent results, but if you want quick results, then you can contact our Molana Ashif Ali khan Ji to solve your issues in less time. 

Note: Allah (SWT) will praise you. If you make this dua known to more and more people because if you pass on this, they will benefit by doing it, and maybe it can change their life, then it is obvious you will also get the reward for the good deed (Sadaqah)

Frequently Asked Questions

Is There Any Dua to soften someone’s heart? 

Recite: “ALLAHummar-Zuqni Hubbaka Wa Hubba Manyyan-Fa’ani ‘Hubbuhu Indaka”
Meaning“O ALLAH! Grant me Your Love and the love of that person whose love would benefit me in Your presence.”

Perform this dua regularly after Every Salah and think about that person. (whose you want to soften heart towards you)

Is there any Surah To Create Love in Someone’s Heart?

If you want to create love in someone’s heart and need surah, recite the Al-Muzzammil verse for one week. And remember, your intention should be pure and good.

When you do this surah within one week, Mashallah, you will create love in that person you want.

Can You Make Dua For Someone To Love?

If you love someone and want to make your love your life partner, pray to “Dua for Making Someone Love You” to get a person in love with you.

Can I Ask Allah To Make Someone Fall In Love With Me?

If you love someone from the bottom of your heart and want to marry that person in the future, then in Islam, you are allowed to marry the person you love. Read This “Dua for love back.” It will help you.

4 thoughts on “Powerful Dua To Create And Put Love In Someone’s Heart (Halal+Tested)”

  1. Assalamualaikum
    I’ve a boyfriend from 4 years we are in relation humari relation Sachi this irade Galat nahi hy ever body will have some misunderstanding and fights in relation . The same we too overcame with those but we didn’t leave each other. Many big issues happened in our relation and one his frnds tried to break your relation but we didn’t break your love we don’t want to loose each other. We want to stay with each other rest of our life but what happened is my sister saw our pictures and made a big issue . My father used bad language with his mom . My boyfriend know it’s my mistake that was done by my dad so he didn’t leave me he felt very bad about this with me later everyone at my house started scolding me hitting me harder they used very bad language towards me . That was too horrible language. I couldn’t take that and in angry I left my home and went to my grandma’s home without informing at my home . They torchured me a lot I was in depression and I took a wrong step going to grandma home without informing I realized it’s my mistake. The next morning my sister went to his home and slapped his mom and spoke with very bad language with his mom, this is what happened and he left me because of me his mom get slapped by my sister so he felt me. Actually he don’t want to leave me but his situation is like that. It has passed one month . I still keep hope on Allah. Is there any dua that he can return back in my life . I want him back in my life


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