5 Authentic Powerful Dua For Love Marriage In Islam (2024)

Assalamualaikum, Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, to all our Islamic Nuskhe readers.

Today, we share a powerful dua for love marriage from the Quran and Sunnah in the tested and verified valid Halal Way.

Our motive behind writing this article is that if our Muslim brothers and sisters are facing any issue or problem in their love marriage, they can be solved with the help of Quranic Dua.

We promise you that if you read this article completely with full faith in Allah, then all your love and marriage-related problems will be solved.

How Can Duas Help in Islamic Marriage?

The word dua means prayer and is one of the best means of direct communication with Allah Ta’ala.

By doing so, you can seek help from Allah Ta’ala for any help or solve any kind of issue in life, including marriage.

You desire to wed the person of your choosing.

But are you afraid that your parents or your partner’s parents won’t agree to the marriage?

It is a common experience for many individuals. When you truly love someone and that person refuses to marry you, it becomes very difficult to know what to do next.

Or maybe you see other problems in your marriage.

So don’t worry; you can solve all your Marriage Problems with the help of these powerful wazifa or dua for love marriages.

Remember Allah SWT Said: “Call upon Me, I will respond to you”

(Quran 40:60)

Do you want to know which Islamic dua to recite to marry the love of your life? If so, keep reading.

We have shared three different duas here. You can recite any dua that you feel comfortable with.

We want to make one thing clear: the dua and its method given in this article are complete solutions; we are strictly against black magic; hence, the given method and dua are not magic.

Follow Some Guidance Before You Start This Dua:

  1. Begin your dua by Shahada, affirming your faith and submission to Allah (God). “You will not be given anything, after the word of sincerity (i.e., the Shahadah), like well-being, so ask Allah for well-being. (Musnad Ahmad 10)
  2. Recite all the Dua and Wazifa with the precise and proper Niyyah given below. “Every person will have what they intended.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, 6499)
  3. To make your dua more effective, face the direction of Qibla and read the Niyyah given below. “Whoever prays like us and faces our Qibla is protected by Allah.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 391)
  4. Drink half a glass of Zamzam Water before performing this dua. Ibn Abbas reported that Prophet Muhammad once said, “The water of Zamzam is good for whatever one intends (while drinking it).
  5. Do not use black magic. It’s shirk, which is haram in Islam. “Whoever practices magic will not enter Paradise.” (Mishkat al-Masabih 3656)
  6. Women should not do this DUA (prayer) during their menstrual cycle. (Monthly period)
  7. If you perform, wait to tell anyone about it until your (Dua) prayer is accepted.

Here Is Powerful Dua For Love Marriage

A Dua for love marriage is: “Rabbanaa hablanaa min azwajinaa wa zureeyatinaa qurataa a’yunee waj’alnaa lil muttaqeena imaama.” By reciting this dua with complete faith, you may find that the grace of Allah (SWT) can solve any problem in your love marriage.

Reference And Meaning

This dua is mentioned in the Quran (25:74), and here is the meaning of this dua: “Our Lord, grant us from among our partners comfort and comfort to our eyes, and make us an example for the righteous.”

Dua For Love Marriage
Make your love marriage dreams a reality with this dua For Love Marriage.

Method to Perform Dua For Love Marriage:

  1. First step: Wudu.
  2. Read Durood Shareef 11 times.
  3. After that, recite Ya hayyu ya qayyum birahmatika astaghees” 99 times and read Surah Al-Fatiha twice.
  4. If you want your love marriage to happen, recite verse 74 of Surah Al-Furqan in the right words 344 times.

Perform this Dua For Love Marriage regularly for 18 days with complete devotion and trust in Almighty Allah for your love marriage to happen.

If you desire quick and efficient results in a short time with the assistance of Molana Ashif Ali Khan, you can contact us by clicking the WhatsApp icon below.

Method To Perform Dua For Love Marriage
Steps to Embrace Love through Dua for Marriage 💖🙏

Keep one thing in mind: if you want your prayer to be accepted quickly, then do some good work along with it, like sharing this article.

If you share this article, then there may be a positive result in someone’s life.

It will directly benefit you, and it will add to your good deed, so we request that you share this article as much as possible.

If you want to make someone mad at you, you should do this: “Dua To Make Someone Fall In Love With You.”

Tahajjud Dua For Marriage

Tahajjud prayer is a voluntary late-night prayer that you can perform before the Isha and Fajr Namaz. 

You should prepare properly to get up in the night’s third quarter to offer Tahajjud prayers for Nikah. 

Be punctual about the timing. You can also set the alarm for that.

“The nearest a servant comes to his Lord is during the last part of the night, so if you can be among those who remember Allah at that time, then do so.”

Sunan an-Nasa’i 572
Tahajjud Dua For Marriage

Method To Perform Tahajjud Dua:

  1. First perform Wudu.
  2. Sit facing Qibla.
  3. Recite Surah Al-Fatiha once.
  4. Keeping your hands on your knees, recite “Allah Hu Akbar” and bow down.
  5. After that, say “Sami’Allahu Liman Hamidah” while standing.
  6. Offer at least two rakats of Tahajjud prayer, although more can be prayed if desired.

Perform this Tahajjud Dua regularly for positive outcomes regarding your marriage.

Method To Perform Tahajjud Dua
Guiding Light in the Night: Steps to Perform Tahajjud Dua 🌙🙏

Wazifa For Love Marriage

Our elders may have differing views regarding love marriage in our Islamic culture and society. 

Sometimes, their parents may disagree when people express their desire to marry someone. 

However, by utilizing the “Wazifa for Love Marriage” from the Holy Quran, it may be possible to gain the agreement and support of your family members.

Method To Perform This Wazifa For Love Marriage:

  1. Begin with a fresh ablution.
  2. Now offer Salawat.
  3. Praise Almighty Allah by Takbir. (Allah is the greatest.)
  4. After that, take three cardamoms in your fist and recite this ayat: “MY LORD! I AM TRULY IN DESPERATE NEED OF WHATEVER PROVISION YOU MAY HAVE IN STORE FOR ME.” (Quran,28:24)
  5. Finally, raise your hands and recite, “O Allah, bless us in our marriage, bless us with children, and bless our affairs.”

Perform this wazifa after any obligatory prayer for at least 15 days, and inshallah, you will succeed in your purposes.

Marriage with the person you love is a dream for every lover.

Many people want to marry the person they love, but there may always be obstacles to achieving it.

Method To Perform This Wazifa For Love Marriage
The Secret to a Successful Love Marriage: Wazifa For Love Marriage

If you wish to create love in someone’s heart, do “Dua To Create Love in Someone’s Heart.”

Niyyah for love marriage

Allah Taala will listen to your dua only when your intentions are clear.

If you are not doing this dua with any bad intentions and your intentions behind it are very clear, then we can say that Allah Taala will definitely accept your dua.

“Actions are (judged) by intentions (Niyyah), so each people will receive what he has intended for.”

(Bukhari & Muslim)

So let us know. How to perform niyyah for a love marriage:

"Al- musawwir" Thank you for hearing about my love marriage. I have no one except you, and no one can know better than you what is in my heart.  

"AL-HAFEEDH": I want that, by your mercy, my parents will agree to this marriage soon so that I can settle down with whom I love and live my life happily. 

"Al-Qayyum," I am always and forever grateful for all the blessings you have given me. "AR-RAZZAAQ" I know you will support me in this challenging time and get me out of this very soon. Because no one is greater than you, my Malik, and nothing is impossible for you. 

"O Allah, I ask You for the good of [my spouse] and the good of what You have ordained for them, and I seek refuge in You from their evil and the evil of what You have ordained for them."

Sometimes your lover flatly refuses to marry you, and you cannot bear this sorrow, and you want him to say yes to this marriage. In such a situation, you should read this “Dua For Marriage With a Loved One.”

Recite These Surah For Love Marriage Hopeen

Several surahs in the Quran discuss the power of love and the blessings of Marriage and contain many verses that emphasize the importance of love, compassion, and commitment in a marriage, like:

  • Surah al Room

“Among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts; verily, in that are Signs for those who reflect.” (30:21)

Recite this surah to build a strong bond with your partner. This will enhance the feeling of mutual love and respect in your relationship. You can recite this surah before and during marriage.

  • Surah al-Baqrah

“Your spouses are a garment for you, as you are for them. (2:187)

There are many sayings about this surah. 

You can find the right partner to support and protect you by reciting this surah. You can build a healthy and successful marriage by consistently using this surah.

  • Surah Al-Furqan

“Our Lord, give us joy in our spouses and offspring, and make us models for the righteous.” (25:74)

It is believed that by reciting this surah after every Salah as a habit, you can get happiness and pleasure in your relationship with your spouse. 

It will also help you to seek guidance from Allah SWT on being a good partner and setting a positive example for others.

If your parents do not agree to your desired marriage and, in such a situation, you want him to say yes, then you should read this “Dua To Convince Parents For Love Marriage.”

The Blessed Union: Muhammad and Khadijah’s Love Marriage Story

A famous story is of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his first wife, Khadijah bint.

Khadija used to be a wealthy and respected businesswoman in Mecca, while Muhammad worked as a merchant for her.

Over time, Khadija was impressed by Mohammed’s honesty, trustworthiness, and noble character. Instead, she proposed marriage to him because she recognized his excellent qualities.

Their marriage was a beautiful example of love and togetherness.

Muhammad and Khadija always supported each other in personal matters and in their respective roles in spreading the message of Islam.

Their passion and deep connection played a vital role in the success of their marriage, and Khadija remained a source of great support for Muhammad throughout his life.

This story shows the importance of love, trust, and compatibility in marriage.

It shows that a strong foundation of love and understanding can lead to a successful and fulfilling relationship. Both partners support and uplift each other.

While this story is not a hadith, it provides an Islamic example highlighting the importance of love and compatibility in marriage.

This story teaches us a lot. We hope that you have learned a lot from this. May Allah shower mercy on you, ameen.

Hadith About Love Marriage From Sunnah

Here are a few hadiths, or sayings, of the Beloved Prophet Muhammad about marriage:

  • 1st

“There is nothing like marriage for the two who love one another.

Sunan Ibn Majah 1847
  • 2nd

“Marriage is part of my sunnah, and whoever does not follow my sunnah has nothing to do with me. Get married, for your great numbers hearten me before the nations (of other Prophets).”

Sunan Ibn Majah 1846
  • 3rd

“Four are from the practices of the Messengers:

Modesty, the use of perfume, the use of the tooth stick, and Marriage.

Mishkat al-Masabih 382
  • 4th

“Get married, for your great numbers hearten me before the nations (of other Prophets).”

Sunan Ibn Majah 1846
  • 5th

“Marriage is my tradition; whoever keeps away there from is not from amongst me”

Sahih al-Bukhari 5063
  • 6th

Marriage is half of the religion.

Mishkat al-Masabih 3096

All these hadiths emphasize Marriage’s significance in the Islamic faith.

Getting married is also considered a religious duty for Muslims, as it helps to maintain purity and reduce the rate of immoral narratives in society.

Islam encourages Muslims to marry within their faith.

If you want to stop your or someone else’s divorce and are looking for a Powerful Dua in such a situation, then you should do this “Dua to stop Divorce.”

Need More Help Regarding This Marriage Dua? Watch This Video

This video is for you if you fall in love with someone and want to marry them by using dua. Always remember Love and marriage play a big role in our lives.

If you have any questions about this dua for love marriage, We are happy to inform you that we created a video for you. This video will clarify how to recite this dua in your daily routine with a step-by-step procedure.

We believe that by the power of dua and faith in Allah SWT, you can achieve your desires and make your love marriage become true.

Join us in this video as we provide the Dua and guidance to perform this dua and make your love marriage happen.

The Benefits of Dua For Love Marriage In Islam

Reciting the dua for love marriage can benefit those who wish to marry their loved ones.

Firstly, it can open doors to Allah’s (SWT) mercy, regarded as a potent source of blessings and defence.

Additionally, reciting this dua has no harmful effects, as all Duas come from the Qur’an and Sunnah, the primary sources of Islamic teachings.

This dua can also allow you to marry your lover, and you may find direct access to Allah for prayer acceptance. Moreover, the effects of reciting this dua can be long-lasting, even after marriage.

This means you can continue to perform the dua without causing problems in your married life.

Reciting the dua for love marriage is a powerful and effective way to seek Allah’s blessings and guidance in finding the right partner.

Summary of This Article:

In summary, the article uses powerful Duas and Wazifas from the Quran and Sunnah to help resolve marriage problems and achieve a love marriage. 

The article provides specific instructions on performing these Duas and an optional method of seeking assistance from Molana Ashif Ali Khan

The article also mentions the importance of Tahajjud prayer in achieving the desired results quickly.

We get daily calls and emails in which our brothers and sisters tell us that some people are scamming other people in the name of Allah, and something similar has happened to them, too, so we request you don’t talk to these people and Don’t waste your money or time in these things.

If you need any help, then you can contact our Maulana Asif Ali Khan or ask your question in the comment box given below.

Please give your valuable feedback in the comment box below so that we can know whether the article written by our hard work was useful to you or not.

Our Other Helping Articles:

Frequently Asked Questions

Is There Any Easy Dua for Love Marriage?

After the Fajar Namaz, Recite Surah Ya-sin 3 times; after that, recite this Dua: “Allahummajal li nasiban fi kulli shay’in ‘ahbabtuh, wajaal fihil khayril katheer” 355 Times.

You have to perform this Dua for your love marriage for 23 days InshaAalh; if you do this Ritual by pure heart, your love marriage will happen.

How To Pray Allah For Love Marriage?

There are a few ways by which you can pray to Allah for a successful love marriage:

Recite all the dua mentioned in the article regularly.

Make Ishtikhara before making any decisions related to Marriage to seek guidance from Allah (SWT).

Seek the blessing of Prophet Mohammed by reading Darood Shareef Daily.

Is Love Marriage Allowed In Islam?

Yes, love marriage is allowed in Islam. If you want proof of this, you can read verse [30:21] of Surat Ar-Rūm, written:

“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them, and He placed affection and mercy between you. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.”

6 thoughts on “5 Authentic Powerful Dua For Love Marriage In Islam (2024)”

  1. I highly recommend Molana Ashif Ali Khan with any problem you may be suffering with they’ll listen n guide you through, all you need is to have faith.

  2. My husband and I were separated due to misunderstandings, and I wanted him back, so I contacted Molana Ji, and they gave me some duas. By doing that dua, I started seeing results the following day. My husband texted me, and his behavior changed entirely.

  3. Very good service, helped me a great deal. I also learned a lot. They are very good at listening and great communication. Will definitely be recommending. Many Thanks to you all.


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