Powerful Dua To Stop Arguments Between Husband And Wife

Aslam Alaikum to all our beloved Islamic Nuskhe readers today; we give you a powerful dua to stop arguments between husband and wife in the proper Halal method.

You can’t find it on any other website, so read this article properly and don’t skip any parts for better understanding.

Resolution of Conflicts: Building Marriage Peace

Arguments are never good for any household. They can turn the atmosphere toxic and make it unbearable for people to stay in that house for too long.

A wedding is more than just a ceremony. They promise each other that they won’t leave each other until their last breath.

However, disagreements and misunderstandings arise, and the husband and wife become estranged.

However, their love for one another continues to exist in their hearts.

If humans can learn to speak less and keep their mouths shut, almost all of the world’s problems will cease to exist.

Allah Tallah has given us a mouth to feed ourselves and a tongue to express ourselves. But, even though we can speak, we should still use it for the proper purpose.

Often, people are so trapped in their egos that they cannot sit silently.

And while it is important to discuss topics that need discussion, like work-related things or family-related matters, we should always try to speak as little as we can.

If your husband or wife is constantly arguing with you, or if people in your family are pleading for no good reason, then you need a solid and powerful dua to stop arguments between husband and wife, which we give you below. Perform it correctly.

Read 3 Powerful Dua to Bring Husband and Wife Closer.

Here Is Dua To Stop Arguments Between Husband And Wife:

An Authentic and Powerful Dua To Stop Arguments Between Husband And Wife is: “Qul kullum mutarabbisun fa tarabbasoo fa sa ta’lamoona man Ashaabus Siraatis Sawiyyi wa manih tadaa.” If the husband or wife regularly recites this dua 300 times after each of the five daily prayers, then in a few days, you may witness the resolution of any arguments between you, and you will start living a happy life again soon.

Dua Reference And Meaning

This dua is taken from Quran Chapter 20, verse 135; here is the meaning of this dua: “Everyone is waiting, so wait, so you will know who the companions of the straight path are and who is guided.”

Dua To Stop Arguments Between Husband And Wife
We Share a “Dua To Stop Arguments Between Husband And Wife” in this Image.

Method to Perform Dua To Stop Arguments Between Husband and Wife:

  1. Start with Ablution (Wudu)
  2. Offer Salawat to our beloved Prophet.
  3. Then recite, “Qul kullum mutarabbisun fa tarabbasoo fa sa ta’lamoona man Ashaabus Siraatis Sawiyyi wa manih tadaa.”  at the time of “Tahajjud” for two weeks.
  4. With complete faith, pray to Allah (SWT) to stop all arguments between you.

InshaAllah, you will see a positive outcome after 2 or 3 weeks, or if you want a quick and effective solution in a short time, then contact our Molana Ashif Ali Khan on WhatsApp.

Niyyah (Intention: Why You Are Performing This Dua)

“Al-Jaleel,” you are the only source of happiness in my life. Your blessing keeps me protected from any harm. “Al-MUJEEB.” 

Today, I am performing this dua to stop fights between husband and wife because, as you know, Al-MU’ID, we are fighting over every little thing. 

O Merciful, open the doors of your mercy so we can improve ourselves and save our relationship from arguments and fights.”

Al-Ahad,” only you can guide us and bring us on the right track.

Our Other Helping Article:

Dua To Stop Divorce

Surah to make husband love you

Hadith About Husband And Wife Fighting


This article provides a halal Dua To Stop Arguments Between Husband And Wife, and we took this dua from Quran Sharif to resolve all the fights and provide barakah in marriage.

The Quran also teaches us to respect everyone. When you respect others, you radiate that energy. That energy is sure to strengthen your relationship, and no silly argument will ever be able to hamper it.

Nabi Sallallahu ῾alayhi Wa Sallam said: “Whoever discards an argument despite being correct shall earn a palace in the centre of Jannah.

(Ibid pg.412)

But if you genuinely want to stop fights from hurting your relationship, you must perform this dua to maintain calm and preserve respect for that other person.

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