Powerful Dua For Love Back (Get Your Love Back from Quran)

Aslam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu to all our Islamic Nuskhe Readers.

Today, we will share the “Most Powerful, Strong Dua for Love Back” from the Quran and Sunnah with the proper Halal Method from tested and verified sources.

Our sole purpose in writing this article is that our Muslim brothers and sisters can get their lost love back with the help of prayers.

Life is boring without love; love is part and parcel of everyone’s life.

Love makes life beautiful and unforgettable, and every moment seems memorable when you are in love.

You meet someone who loves you the most and stays with you through your hard times. Things never remain the same, especially when you are in love with each other.

You two had many fights and arguments, and finally, you both parted ways.

If you are facing the same problem in your love life and want Dua to bring your lover back anyhow, then we promise that if you read this article properly, you can easily get your love back.

In this article, you will get Many Easiest Duas to Get Your Love Back in 3 Days.”

We suggest reading this whole article correctly. Half-knowledge is not good. You will undoubtedly learn the outcome if you read the entire post.

“So ask the people of the knowledge if you do not know.” 

(Surah Al-Anbiya: vs.7)

What Is Dua For Love Back, and How Does It Work? 

We can get very close to Allah (SWT) by using Islamic dua in the right way, and we can request the angels of Allah to transfer all our prayers to Allah.

The same things work in all areas and directions of life, like love and life problems.

Dua for love back is a prayer offered to Allah Ta’ala to seek his help and bring back your love in your life.

Often, this type of prayer is done by those who have lost their love and want to bring it back into their lives.

Always remember Allah SWT’s words:

“Call upon Me; I will respond to you”

(Quran 40:60)

If you seek to regain the love of your lost partner, several duas from the Quran and Sunnah can be recited to increase your chances of success in regaining your lost love.

Thousands of our readers have read and performed this dua, and they have succeeded in getting their lost love back. We also share the success stories of people on our Instagram.

If your question is how this dua works, don’t worry. Below, we share the proper method for performing.

If you do this dua with full faith in Allah SWT, we promise you can quickly get your love back.

We do not support black magic, and it is haram in Islam. The given dua and wazifa and the method to perform them are completely halal.

When a servant (of Allah) says, ‘Indeed, Allah is enough for me,’ Allah makes him sufficient.”

(Muwatta Malik Book 46: The Decree)

Here Is The Most Powerful Dua For Love Back

A powerful dua for love back is: “Wa min Aayaatiheee an khalaqa lakum min anfusikum azwaajal litaskunooo ilaihaa wa ja’ala bainakum mawad datanw wa rahmah; inna fee zaalika la Aayaatil liqawminy yatafakkaroon.” By reciting this dua with the method given below, you can get your love back in your life.

Reference And Meaning

This dua is taken from Surah Ar-Rum 30:21, and here is the English translation of this dua: “And one of His signs is that He created for you partners from among yourselves so that you may find comfort in them. And He has placed between you affection and mercy.”

Powerful Dua For Love Back
In this image, we share a Powerful Dua for love back

Method To Perform Dua For Love Back:

  1. Make wudu.
  2. Take your lover’s photo and recite Durood Sharif 11 times.
  3. In SUJOOD Position, read Surah Ya-sin.
  4. Now, recite Surah Ar-Rum verse No. 21 453 times.
  5. Finally, blow on your lover’s photo. Soon, your lover will come back to you.

Reciting this dua or ritual regularly for 13 days with sincerity and devotion can help soften the heart of the person you desire and bring them back to you, so your lover returns to your life again.

You should contact Molana Ashif Ali Khan by clicking the WhatsApp icon below if you want immediate and effective results without any problems.

Method To Perform Dua For Love Back
A Step-by-Step Guide to Performing the Dua for Lost Love Back.

Always keep in mind that you must donate to charity. If you cannot give Hadiya and Sadaqah, then sharing this article will still be considered a form of Hadiya and Sadaqah on your part.

By doing this, Allah Taala will accept your dua soon, and doing good things in Islam is one way of getting closer to Allah.

Therefore, sharing this article can positively change someone’s life. By doing so, you have received Allah’s (SWT) mercy.

Some families don’t accept love, which is a common problem in our society. You can do Dua To Convince Parents Of Love Marriage.”

Another Easiest Dua To Get Your Love Back In 3 Days

Are you having trouble winning back your ex-lover? The most direct and powerful Dua For Love to help you win back your true love is provided here.

You can get your loved one back from Allah Taala by using this powerful dua so that your love comes back to you.

Recite this dua with sincere intentions and an open heart, and rely on Allah’s compassion and kindness to lead you to your partner again in a fulfilling and joyful relationship.


The proven and tested dua to get your love back is “Allahummarzuqni hubbuka, wa hubba man yanfa`uni hubbuhu `indak. Allahumma ma razaqtani mimma uhibbu faj`alhu quwwatan li fiia tuhibb. Allahumma wa ma zawaita, anni mimma uhibbu faj`alhu faraghan li fima tuhibb. This Dua is taken from Tirmidhi #3491

MEANING of this Dua: “O Allah, please bring back the love of (insert name of the person you want to bring back) towards me. Make our love strong and unbreakable, and bless us with a happy and fulfilling relationship. Please remove any obstacles that may come in the way of our love and bring us closer together. Grant us love, understanding, and patience towards each other. Ameen.

Dua To Get Your Love Back In 3 Days
In this image, we share Dua To Get Your Love Back In 3 Days.

Method To Perform Powerful dua for miracle in love back:

  1. After Tahajjud, recite any five names of Allah (SWT).
  2. Take a piece of paper and write both your names.
  3. Then, recite This Dua To Get Your Love Back 213 times: “Allahummarzuqni hubbuka, wa hubba man yanfa`uni hubbuhu `indak.”
  4. Finally, Blow on that paper, take it under your pillow, and sleep with it.

💡 Additionally, After performing the method (given above), you can also pray this Prayer to get your love back, “Oh Allah, please bless our relationship and help us find our way back to each other. Give us the strength to forgive and forget past mistakes and strengthen our love.” AMEEN.

Step-by-Step Method To Perform Dua To Get Your Love Back
Your Complete Guide to Performing the Dua To Get Your Love Back.

Perform this ritual correctly for 10 to 15 days; inshallah, if you see any dreams regarding your Lover, Then our Molana Ashif Ali Khan can assist you in deciphering them.

They can help you and suggest how long you should wait for your ex to return to your life.

If you like someone and want them to fall in love with you, Recite “Dua to make someone fall in love with you.”

Suggest readingPowerful Dua For Love Marriage In Islam.

Here is A Dua For Lover To Come Back With 5 easy steps:

  1. Perform Wudu Before any Salah.
  2. Recite “Allahu Akbar” five times.
  3. Imagine the face of your lover.
  4. To bring your ex-lover back to you Recite: “Ya Wadud, Ya Rauf, Ya Raheem, bring back the love between [insert your name and the name of the person] Ameen.” 343 times.

After reciting the Dua, pray to Allah (SWT) to bring back your lover. Continue the procedure for 30 days. Start reciting this dua for love all over your Friday night prayers for better outcomes.

This Dua is one of the easiest and most effective supplications from the Quran for bringing back love.

A Dua For Lover To Come Back With 5 easy steps
5 Simple Steps to Invoke the Dua for Your Lover Return ❤️🕊️

“You should remember while performing this dua that this dua will work slowly. You should contact Molana Ashif Ali Khan Ji for immediate results. Be clear. Just click on the Consult button below.”

Niyyah (Intention: Why You Are Performing These duas)

AR-RAHMAN, give me so much strength that I can quickly do this “Dua for love back.” AR-RAZZAAQ, I know you will accept my prayer. I have complete faith in you. 

AL-BASEER I am praying this prayer with the clear intention of getting back my lost love.

O my Almighty Allah (SWT), please accept this prayer of mine. I will always be thankful to you.

Each person will understand his meaning because motivations (niyyah) are utilized to evaluate deeds. Alternatively, a person’s migration (hijrah) is to Allah swt and His Messenger if it is inspired by a desire to serve Allah and His Messenger; otherwise, it is to that if it is motivated by a desire to acquire something material, such as a bride.

(Bukhari, Muslim)

There are many reasons for a breakup in love, but if you do Dua to Get Someone Back in Your Life,” your lover returns to you.

Guidelines or Rules To Follow When You Are Performing Dua:

  • Perform Dua after listening to the call to prayer (Adhan).

The caller to prayer is forgiven as far as his voice reaches, and his reward is similar to that of those who pray with him.” (Sunan an-Nasa’i 646 Grade: Sahih (Darussalam))

  • Before beginning, if you have it, please take a sip of Zamzam water.

“Zamzam is a treatment for what it is drunk for,” the Prophet (peace be upon him) remarked. (Sunan Ibn Majah 3062 Grade: Hasan (Darussalam)

  • Sit facing the direction of Qibla when performing these Duas.

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) saw spittle on the wall towards Qibla and scratched it away, then turned to the people and said, When any one of you prays, he must not spit in front of him, for Allah is in front of him when he is engaged in prayer. (Sahih Muslim 547a)

  • Perform these Du’a under proper Islamic principles and avoid any form of black magic, as it constitutes Shirk.

“The thing I fear most for my followers is the hidden shirk.” (Sunan Ibn Majah 4205 Grade: Da’if) (Darussalam)

  • Avoid negative thoughts, as intention plays a big role in making a dua (prayer or supplication).

Verily, deeds are only done with intentions, and every person will have only what they intended.” (Sunan an-Nasa’i 75 Grade: Sahih (Darussalam))

  • If you make a mistake while reciting this dua, recite “Astaghfirullah” ten times and restart the dua.

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “He who says: “Astaghfir ullah-alladhi la ilaha illa Huwal-Haiyul-Qayyumu, wa atubu ilaihi” his sins will be forgiven. (Riyad as-Salihin 1874)

  • Have complete trust in Allah (SWT).

“Which deed is best?” The Prophet said, “Faith in Allah and his messenger.” (Sunan an-Nasa’i 4985)

  • Perform “Adhkar” regularly while performing this ritual.

“Believers, remember Allah often and glorify Him morning and evening” (Quran 33:41-42).

Morning Adhkar Between Fajr & Sunrise
Evening Adhkar Between Asr & Maghrib
The Timing of Morning & Evening (Adhkar) for Reading.

Ask Allah with a heart to bring your lover back to you. You should recite the “Wazifa to get lost love back“. This dua directly goes to Allah (AR-RAHEEM).

The Story of Zainab bint Jahsh and Zaid ibn Harithah About True Love

While Zaid was a former slave who had been freed and adopted by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Zainab was his relative.

Zaid ibn Harithah initially proposed marriage to Zainab, and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) supported the union.

However, their marriage didn’t go well, and Zaid and Zainab wanted to divorce. Due to the societal expectations of the time, this led to some worry in the community.

To handle the situation and guide the believer, Allah revealed the verses of the Quran (Surah Al-Ahzab, Chapter 33, Verse 37). The verses declared that Allah’s (SWT) plan was for the Prophet Mohammad to marry Zainab.

So when Zayd had no longer any need for her, We married her to you in order that there not be upon the believers any discomfort [i.e., guilt] concerning the wives of their claimed [i.e., adopted] sons when they no longer have need of them. And ever is the command [i.e., decree] of Allāh accomplished.

Quran 33:37

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) obeyed Allah and married Zainab.

This marriage established not only the importance of following the guidance of Allah (SWT) but also the deep love and respect between Zainab and the Prophet.

The story of Zaid ibn Harithah and Zainab bint Jahsh offers an example that, in the end, true love—guided by Allah's wisdom—surmounts societal status, cultural expectations, and backgrounds.

Need more information? Watch This Video About Love Dua

This video can provide valuable insights and guidance if you seek more information about Love Dua.

In this video, you can expect to learn about the power of dua for attracting love and maintaining healthy relationships.

The video may cover various topics related to love dua, including its benefits, the proper way to perform it, and the multiple verses and prayers that can be recited for different purposes.

SURAH AL-IMRAN To Get Your Love Back In 3 Days

Surah Al-Imran AYAT 8: “Our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower” is one of the most powerful surah to get your love back.

It contains verses to help and solve individuals facing difficulties related to getting love back in their lives.

To go through the difficulties of reuniting with your loved one, you may find comfort and direction in this powerful Surah.

By reciting this surah, you can seek forgiveness for any mistakes you may have made in your relationship and ask for guidance in rebuilding a stronger and more loving connection with your partner.

SURAH AL-IMRAN To Get Your Love Back In 3 Days
This image provides SURAH AL-IMRAN To Get Your Love Back In 3 Days

Remember that while reciting Surah Al-Imran can be an effective method for winning back a lost love, resolving any difficulties that may have caused the breakup is essential.

Some Important Points To Keep In Mind About Dua For Love:

  • Several duas in the Quran and Sunnah effectively bring your love back. Some examples include Surah YasinSurah Al-Baqarah verse 201, and Surah Al-Ikhlas verses 1-4.
  • Remember to be patient and believe Allah will answer your prayers in His time.

“The one who is patient during times of hardship and adversity and forgives people, Allah will make him enter Jannah (Paradise) through whichever of its gates he wishes.”

(Muwatta Malik Book 45: Madina)
  • If a true Muslim seeks anything from Allah with complete faith, he will never leave empty-handed. Dua is the only means we can convey our message to Allah Tallah.
  • The strength of These All Dua is beyond our imagination because we took this dua from the holy book of Islam (Quran Sharif).

6 Benefits of Performing These Dua

  1. This Dua creates the love you want in that person’s heart so they will return to you.
  2. This Dua is like a discussion with Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala); he listens and accepts your Dua if you do it with full faith and good intentions.
  3. You get your love back in the proper Halal method by reciting this Duas provided by Molana Ashif Ali Khan in this article.
  4. Our Dear Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: The most incredible worship is Dua.” 
  5. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also said, Dua turns away destiny, and good deeds extend to age.”
  6. If your husband or wife left you and you want them back in your life again, you can also do this, Dua, to get them back.

Reasons Why Your Dua Not Heard By Allah (SWT)

There can be various reasons behind This:

  • First, you need more patience; you constantly think only about only results. Dear readers, you first have to show proper determination toward the process.

Allah has decided the best time for you, and you have to take the test of your patience.

  • The second reason can also be the evil eye because we often discuss it with people and do not see the effect. That’s why we informed you that you should do this work secretly.
  • The third reason can be the sins you have committed in the past.

Sometimes unintentionally, we do those Haram things against Islam, and because Allah SWT does not hear our dua, you can contact our Molvi Ji, who can help you.

To make your dua more effective, read these IMPORTANT WAYS TO MAKE YOUR DUA MORE EFFECTIVE.


If you doubt which of the above-given dua wazifa is better for you, we would like to tell you that you can do any dua and wazifa; you must have complete faith in Allah.

Still, if you have any questions, feel free to do so. Write your question in the comment box given below. Our expert, Maulana, will answer your question.

Please Remember to provide us with your valuable feedback.

Use the comment box to give your feedback so we can know how helpful this article was for you.

We receive many emails and messages daily in which it is written that they have been cheated in the name of Allah (SWT).

We request you not fall prey to the words of such people and put your complete faith in Allah and make this prayer so you can get your lost love back.

It is an opportunity to make a request to Allah the almighty, and Allah Paak definitely will solve your problem.

This article is all about “Dua for love back.” If These duas are difficult for you. You should contact our Maulana Ashif Ali Khan, and they will help you with the best Dua to make someone love you.”

Frequently asked questions

Is There Any Easy Dua For Love Back?

If you want your love back in your life, recite “rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khairin faqeer.” 324 times after every single Salah with this dua “Oh, Allah SWT, please bring my loved one back to me. Help us reconcile and heal any wounds that may exist between us.”

This Dua is taken from Quran chapter 28, verse 24.

  • How can I increase my chances of success when making a dua for love?

    When making a dua for love, you should keep some things in mind to increase the chances of success like:

    1.   Make sure to perform dua correctly at the right time.
    2.   Be patient and have consistent faith in Almighty Allah.
    3.   Express gratitude for all the blessings and ask for Forgiveness for any sin you have committed.
    4.   You can also seek guidance from Our Big Molana to make your dua more effective.

  • Any Duas from the Quran for bringing back a lost love?

    You can recite several dua’s from the Quran to get back your lost love.

    Like: “Your Lord says, “Call upon Me; I will respond to you.”

    Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell [rendered] contemptible.” (Quran 40:60)

    Right intentions and trust in Allah’s plans can make impossible things possible. You can build a strong relationship with Allah (SWT) through the mode of Dua.

  • What does Islam say about true love?

    Islam allows love. It promotes love within boundaries which is done in the right way and has the intention of marriage.

    Islam encourages them to treat their partner with love, kindness, respect, and loyalty.

    Allah says it best: “And all things We have created by pairs, that perhaps you may reflect” (Quran 51:49).

  • Which name of Allah to recite for love back?

    Allah has 99 names, and reciting these names has spiritual and physical benefits.

    You can include reciting “Ya Lateefu Ya Wadoodo” in your daily prayers to get your love back.

    In addition to names, recite dua to get love back and seek guidance from Allah (SWT).

  • Can Allah Bring Someone Back Into Your Life?

    Yes, Almighty Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) will help you bring your lover back into your life if you carefully recite all dua provided by our Molana Ashif Ali Khan in this article. 

    It will take time to see the effects, but in the end, you will succeed in getting your love back in your life.

14 thoughts on “Powerful Dua For Love Back (Get Your Love Back from Quran)”

  1. Thank you so Much ASHIF Bhai He became very good towards me and loves me just because of you. May allah bless you.

  2. Dear sheikh ma names are ibrahim brain muhidi sauli ma wife went away 2months ago ad honestly i luv her so much help me bring her back i cant stay without she dont pick ma call when i call or reply ma sms honestly ma heart loves her so much ma job is over i cant even pay hse rent help me plz i need help 2 ma family plz

  3. I really really love someone but the problem is we are to talk anymore and he is leaving to abroad to soon and I don’t think he loves me anymore but I really love him and want to marry him I’m doing some of these wazifas but he’s not still coming back what should I do?


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