Powerful Dua to make my husband love me again and more

Aslam walikum to our sister. Today we are talking about a very serious topic, and also we will give you “Proven Dua to make my husband love me again.” 

Every married woman deserves her husband’s love, as that is their relationship’s foundation. If your husband is not entirely into you like he used to, then you probably need to recite Dua to Make My Husband Love Me Again. 

It has done wonders in the lives of many couples. Their relationships have become stronger than before. 

Every woman and wife desires their husband’s undying and unconditional love. Many are lucky enough to get that, and many get it only for a couple of years before that spark begins to fade.

Every so often, it happens in a relationship that the husband starts to lose interest in his wife. In such circumstances, Dua To Make My Husband Love Me Again proves helpful to make your husband fall in love with you again.

Read Powerful Dua to stop divorce.

Powerful Dua to make my husband love me again and more

If you want to make, your husband loves you like you want, then recite “Arrijaalu qawwaamoona ‘alan nisaaa’i bimaa fad dalallaahu ba’dahum ‘alaa ba’dinw wa bimaaa anfaqoo min amwaalihim” this dua at the time of fajr salah in front of your husband and blow on him when dua is completed.

Reference And Meaning

This dua is taken from Surah An-Nisa Ayat 34 and the meaning of this dua is: “Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth.”

Dua to make my husband love me again and more
In This image, we Provide Dua To Make Your Husband Love You.

Method to Perform how to make my husband love me again:

  1. Perform Wudu.
  2. Now recite any ten names of Almighty Allah SWT.
  3. Take your husband’s shirt in your hand, which he wears daily.
  4. Then, recite Surah An-Nisa Ayat 34 101 times.
  5. Finally, blow on the shirt and pray to Allah SWT To Make Your Husband Love You.

Perform this dua for 15 days regularly after any Salah. Inshallah, within 15 days, this dua will solve all problems between you and your husband. 

You can also talk with our Molvi Ashif Ali Khan Ji for consultation regarding this dua, as there are chances that you might be performing this dua in the wrong way. So, taking advice before you waste your whole time is good.

If you want to make your husband crazy in love with you then read Wazifa To Make Husband Crazy In love (Fall In Love With You)

Method To Perform This Dua

Misquoting Dua will only lead to disappointment. In short, it won’t work for you. So, talk with our Molvi Ji through the WhatsApp icon on our website. You can also contact us through email. We will reach you in a short time.

Here is “Wazifa To Make My Husband Love Me Again” In The following Steps:

  • First performance, isha salah.
  • Then make a sweet dish with your clean hands.
  • Now recite “Innahoo fakkara wa qaddar” 50 times.
  • Finally, blow on that sweet dish and give it to your husband to eat.

Inshallah, you need to perform this wazifa twice in one week. Then you see magical effects in your husband. This wazifa mentioned in the Quran is made of tried-and-tested ways that have worked like magic. 

That’s why you can never go wrong with it and never doubt its effectiveness and power in bringing back that lost love in your married life.

The key to effectively using Dua To Increase Love Between Husband And Wife is to have complete and utter faith in the power of Dua and that it will work like magic.

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