Powerful Dua To Make Someone Realise His Mistake And Apologise

Dua To Make Someone Realise His Mistake And Apologise

Assalamu’alaikum, warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to all our dear Islamic nuskhe readers. Today’s topic is fascinating, and it’s all about Dua to make someone realise his mistake and apologize in the proper Quranic halal method. If you have been wronged by someone you care about and wish to make that person realise their mistake, then you can … Read more

Powerful Dua To Remove Bandish From Your Life (100% Effective)

Powerful Dua To Remove Bandish From Your Life (100% Effective)

Assalamualaikum to all our viewers. In this article, we bring you the powerful Dua to Remove Bandish from Your Life and discuss various ways to prevent different types of blockages that may hinder your progress and happiness. If you read this article correctly, you can easily remove bandish and blockages from your life. Bandish in … Read more

Powerful Dua To Move Away From Inlaws

Dua To Move Away From Inlaws

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to all our beloved Islamic nuskhe readers. This article will provide a Dua to move away from Inlaws. No person today is happy enough to live with joint family members. Even the newly involved woman in the marriage bond always expects to have a nuclear family rather than a joint one. They always … Read more

Powerful Dua To Fulfill Impossible Wishes Convert Impossible To Possible


As-salam Alaykum, my dear brother and sisters, Today we give you Dua to Fulfill Impossible Wishes in this article. Often, some things can sound downright impossible and even ridiculous to some. For example, think about owning a big mansion or getting that dream job everyone thinks is impossible. But the truth is, nothing in life … Read more

Powerful Dua To Make Someone Obsessed With You (100% EFFECTIVE)

Powerful Dua To Make Someone Obsessed With You (100% EFFECTIVE)

The Quran teaches us that Islam is a loving and peaceful religion that encourages love and suggests many Dua To Make Someone Obsessed With You to help you with this. Being obsessed with or having a crush on someone is normal and not haram; however, your actions regarding that feeling are what matters.  So, to stop one … Read more

Powerful Dua For Lost Money (Get Your Money Back From Someone)

Powerful Dua For Lost Money (Get Your Money Back From Someone)

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu to all our Islamic nuskhe readers.  We are delighted to share a powerful Quranic dua for lost money that can help you recover money from someone in a way that is both Islamic and Halal. Today’s article will provide the necessary guidance and steps to perform this dua to … Read more

Powerful Dua For Black Magic Back To Sender

Dua For Black Magic

As-salam Alaykum, my dear brother and sisters, Today we talk about Dua for Black Magic; we all have our vices. Identifying and overcoming them makes us humans and separates us from animals. Anger, hatred, and jealousy—these emotions are normal. But a good human doesn’t succumb to these emotions. But, at times, people are not strong enough … Read more

Powerful Dua to get rid of blackmail (Is Blackmailing Haram in Islam)

Powerful Dua to get rid of blackmail (Is Blackmailing Haram in Islam)

As-salam Alaykum My brothers and sisters, Today’s topic is significant and serious. As we give you Dua to get rid of blackmail. In Islam, haram (forbidden) acts as a guiding principle for differentiating between permitted and prohibited activities and plays a significant role in upholding the concepts of justice. There is one act that firmly … Read more



Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh To my brothers and sisters, Today We give you 8 Important WAYS TO MAKE YOUR DUA MORE EFFECTIVE. We know we all struggle with the same sorts of everyday issues.  Even when we make every effort to solve a situation, there are times when we can’t seem to break free. And one … Read more

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