3 Best Dua For Marriage Soon In Islam (Getting married soon)

Assalamualaikum, warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, to our Islamic Nuskhe readers. 

The primary motive for publishing this article is to help our brothers and sisters who face marriage problems. 

That’s why we share the powerful Dua for Marriage Soon in Islam (Marriage Dua) in a proper, halal, and valid method in this article to help you find your perfect match in a short time and get married soon. 

We promise this dua will help you to get proposals quickly and not only bring proposals but also prevent any obstacles in your marriage.

Everyone wants to get married, as it’s a part of life that will make us happy and give us companionship and love. 

Allah has been merciful in giving us all the solutions to our problems through the Holy Quran because He knew well that our lives would have many troubles, making us miserable. 

“This Is The Book, In It Is Guidance For Sure Without A Doubt”

(The Cow) 2:2

Please read this article completely if you want marriage soon because many times our brother and sister came and told us they got late results.

It is because they read half the article and used the wrong method. That is why we request that you read this article properly.

We want to be clear that the Dua and Wazifa listed below, with the methods for performing them, are entirely halal; they are not black magic.

As using and learning black magic is forbidden in Islam, you should stay away from doing these things.

Before Performing This Marriage Dua, Follow Some Rules For the Best Results:

This marriage dua, like all other duas, has specific rules and guidelines that you should follow for the best results:

  • Perform Wudu for purification before reciting the Dua. “O you who have believed, when you rise to [perform] prayer, wash your faces and your forearms to the elbows, wipe over your heads, and wash your feet to the ankles.” (Quran 5:6)
  • Face the direction of the Qibla while reciting the Dua.
  • Have sincere intentions (Niyyah) and present your needs to Allah. Once the prophet said, – Ask, and you will be given.”
  • Recite the dua after any salat for better results.
  • Avoid being selfish with your requests.
  • Make the dua in the position of Sujud. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, “The servant is closest to his Lord during prostration, so increase your supplications therein.” (Sahih Muslim 482)
  • Surround yourself with positivity by keeping the Quran and Holy Zamzam water nearby
  • Show your faith in Allah by reciting the Shahada, asking for forgiveness for sins, and praising Allah and his messenger through Salawat.
  • Women should refrain from performing any dua when they are on their periods.

Here Is Dua For Marriage Soon In Islam (Marriage Dua)

Tested by many Authentic Islamic scholars A Dua for Marriage Soon Is from At-Tirmidhi Hadith: “Allahumma inni urghu fi al-zawaj, faj’al li mina al-nisaa’/al-rijal min yamta’oon taw’an ‘an maharimik wa yahfathoon anfusahum li ajli.” By reciting this Dua, unmarried individuals seeking marriage will find suitable partners and get married soon.

Reference And Meaning

This dua is taken from At-Tirmidhi, and here is the English translation of this dua: “O’ Allah! I desire to marry, so arrange for me a woman or man from those who willingly abstain from what is unlawful and who safeguards her soul for my sake.

Dua For Marriage Soon In Islam (Marriage Dua)
Get married soon with the help of this effective dua

Steps to perform Dua For Marriage Soon in Islam:

  1. Start with Salawat. 
  2. Face the qiblah.
  3. Recite this dua: “Allahumma inni urghu fi al-zawaj, faj’al li mina al-nisaa’/al-rijal” 545 times.
  4. Now pray to Allah Ta’ala to accept your dua, and you will see that soon your marriage will be confirmed.

Follow these steps regularly for 13 days after any salah.

Inshallah, you will get your desired result quickly. If you want an effective and permanent solution in the proper halal way, you can contact Maulana Ashif Ali Khan on WhatsApp.

Stpes to perfom Dua For Marriage Soon In Islam
Guiding Steps to Perfom Dua For Marriage Soon 🌸💒

Please share this article as much as possible, because if you do this, it will be considered a kind of good deed. After all, you can change someone’s life positively by sharing this article.

Another Dua To Get Married Soon To Someone You Love

If we tell you that there is such a dua included in the Quran that, if recited with a true heart, you can marry the person you love, then yes, it is true.

I agree that it may sound very strange, but believe me, it is very true.

People have prayed this prayer, and they have gotten shocking results, so let us know what that prayer is. By reciting it, you will be able to marry your love easily.

A highly effective Dua To Get Married Soon To Someone You Love is: “Rabbanaa hablanaa min azwajinaa wa zureeyatinaa qurataa a’yunee waj’alnaa lil muttaqeena imaama.” By performing this dua, you may soon get married to someone you love, with Allah’s blessings.

Reference And Meaning

This dua is mentioned in the Quran (25:74), and here is its English translation: “Our Lord, grant us from among our wives, husbands, and offspring comfort to our eyes, and make us an example for the righteous.”

Dua To Get Married Soon To Someone You Love
Bring your dream partner closer to you with this powerful dua To Get Married Soon To Someone You Love.

Method To Perform Best dua for getting married soon To Someone You Love:

  1. Perform Wudu.
  2. In the RUKU position, read Durood Sharif 11 times.
  3. Read Surah Ya-Sin once.
  4. Now, recite Verse 74 of Surah Al-Furqan 234 times.
  5. Finally, pray to Allah SWT to get married soon to someone you love.

💡For Best Results, Add this Prayer in your daily method “O Allah, remove any obstacles and problems from my life that stop me from getting married to the person I love and make our union a basis of joy and blessings.”

Follow these steps regularly for 13 days; inshallah, you will achieve a positive outcome regarding your marriage (nikah). 

For effective and fast results in a short time, you can contact Molana Ashif Ali Khan by clicking on the WhatsApp icon below.

Step-by-Step Method To Perform Dua To Get Married Soon To Someone You Love
Embrace Love’s Journey with a Step-by-Step guide To Perform Dua To Get Married Soon To Someone You Love 💖💍

If you have someone you love and wish to get an immediate marriage proposal from them, then the Wazifa for marriage proposal would help you immensely.

Niyyah (Intention: Why You Are Performing This Dua)

If you want to achieve anything from Allah Taala, that too with the help of Dua, then I want to tell you one thing clearly: by doing this, you will get success only when your intention is clear.

If your intention is not clear and positive regarding what you want, then your dua will not accepted by Allah SWT.

“Actions are (judged) by intentions (niyyah), so each people will receive what they intended for.”

Reference: Bukhari & Muslim

So let us know how you can make niyyah for your marriage soon:

"AL-MU'IZZ" There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the only prophet of Almighty Allah, lord of the worlds. 

I am nothing before the highest and greatest Allah (SWT); give me enrichment in all goods and freedom from all sin. 

I ask you to hear my dua for getting married soon and bless me, AL-AZEZ, with my better half and your love. 

Merciful Allah, no one knows better than you, and I am sure you will hear my dua soon and bless me with a successful marriage and a supportive partner.

Best Dua For Getting Married Soon To a Good Husband

Tested and performed by many individuals, a powerful dua for getting married soon to a good husband is: “Rabbi hablee min ladunka zaujan tayyiban wayakoonaa sahiban lee fiddeeni wadunyaa wal aahirat.” By reciting this dua with full faith, Allah (SWT) will bless you soon with a good husband.

Reference And Meaning

This dua is taken from At-Tirmidhi, and here is its English translation: “O Lord, give me the best husband from your side, the husband who also became my best friend in the affairs of religion, world affairs, and the hereafter.”

Dua For Getting Married Soon To a Good Husband
Make your dream of getting married a reality with this powerful dua For Getting Married Soon To a Good Husband

Method To Perform Dua For Getting Married Soon To a Good Husband:

  • Start by cleaning yourself and selecting a peaceful place for praying.
  • Read Darood Shareef 11 times.
  • Now make a clear intention (Niyyah) for the dua.
  • If a grown-up girl wishes to get married soon to a good husband, she can recite this dua 343 times during Tahajjud: “RABBI HABLEE MIN LADUNKA ZAUJAN TAYYIBAN WAYAKOONAA SAHIBAN LEE FIDDEENI WADUNYAA WAL AAHIRAH.”

Perform this ritual for one month regularly with patience, and, inshallah, you will soon get married to a good husband.

Method To Perform Dua For Getting Married Soon To a Good Husband
A Guided Method to Perform Dua For Getting Married Soon To a Good Husband 🙏💑

If you wish to marry someone specific, recite this: Dua to get married to a specific person.”

5 Easy Steps For Wazifa To Getting Married Soon (For Early Marriage)

To get married soon to your perfect match and without any obstacles, perform this wazifa given below:

  1. Clean your hands and face with the process of Wudu.
  2. Now offer Salawat and fill a container with rose water.
  3. Recite this Dua for Getting Married Soon: “Ya Allah, please grant me a loving and compatible spouse who will be a source of comfort and joy in my life. Ameen.”
  4. Finally, dip your finger into the rose water and sprinkle it on your body.

Perform this wazifa for at least 18 days. Make sure to perform the Wazifa consistently, and, inshallah, you will soon get a good marriage proposal.

5 Easy Steps For Wazifa For Getting Married Soon
Get Married Soon with the Help of Wazifa for Early Marriage.

In Search of a Good Life Partner: Salma’s Real Marriage Story

There used to be a young woman named Salma who longed to find a more compatible life partner in her religion.

To find a partner who would support her beliefs and help her become closer to Allah, she had reached the point where she felt ready for marriage.

Salma had heard about the power of faithful prayer and the importance of praying to Allah.

She started praying and asked Allah to bless her with a righteous life partner who would be a source of happiness, love, and spiritual support.

She often used to get up early in the morning, pour her heart out to Allah, and beg him for a pious and loving partner.

She used to recite Quranic verses and ask Allah to guide her steps and bless her with a righteous companion.

Days turned into weeks and weeks into months, but Salma never lost hope. He continued to pray, trusting in the wisdom of Allah and the right timing.

He sought knowledge and tried to improve himself as a person. 

Know that it is not the same belief and strong character that will attract the right person into their life.

One day, while attending a religious gathering, Salma met a young man named Khalid. They had a conversation and discovered that their values, aspirations, and love for Allah were the same. 

Salma also felt a strong connection with Khalid. Happened. But pay attention to the qualities she asked Allah for in her prayer.

As their relationship developed, Salma and Khalid decided to get married, seeking Allah’s blessings on their union. 

They were grateful for the dua Salma had made, as it had significantly brought them together.

This story reminds us of the power of faithful prayer and the importance of trusting Allah’s plan. 

Salma’s unwavering faith in praying for a righteous life partner and Dutta eventually led her to find the Khalid she had been praying for.

Surah For Marriage

In Islam, marriage is a sacred contact between two people. “There is nothing like marriage for the two who love one another.” Reference: Sunan Ibn Majah, 1847

Several surahs are mentioned in the Quran Sharif, which helps resolve marriage-related issues.

Some of them are listed below:

Surah An Nisa

“Be mindful of your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate, and fear Allah, who is ever over you, an observer.” Reference: Quran 4:1

It is believed that by reciting Surah An Nisa, you can find your righteous partner, which is very important for living your life happily.

“When a man marries, he has fulfilled half of the religion; so let him fear God regarding the remaining half.”

Reference: Mishkat al-Masabih 3096

Surah Ar-Rum

“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them, and He placed affection and mercy between you.

Indeed, in that are signs for people who give thought.” Reference: Surah Ar-Rum, 30:21

There are many sayings about Surah Ar-Rum; by reciting this, you can find your soulmate, in whom you can find peace.

“Marriage is part of my sunnah, and whoever does not follow my sunnah has nothing to do with me.”  Reference: Sunan Ibn Majah 1846

Surah Al-Baqarah

“Your spouses are a garment for you as you are for them.” Reference: 2:187

Reciting this verse in the early morning at the time of Fazar Namaz can remove obstacles in getting married and protect your relationship.

When the Prophet s.a.w. felicitated a person who just got married, he said, “May Allah bless you, send blessings upon you, and bring goodness between you two.” Reference: Hisn al-Muslim 190

Read: Powerful Dua For Love Marriage

Tasbih For Marriage

Recite this Tasbih of Bibi Fatima for marriage:

Firstly, read two Rakat Nafl Salahs in the morning (after Fajar Salah). Then recite Darood Sharif 11 times.

After that, repeat “Tasbih Hadhrat Zahra,” attributed to “Fatima bint Muhammad” (daughter of prophet Muhammed).

Tasbih Hadhr at Zahra: ( 33 times Subhan Allah, 33 times Alhamdulillah, 33 times Allah hu Akbar ) Now, again, read Darood Sharif 11 times.

Finish this by reciting some Surahs like Yasin, Ta-ha, AL-Hujurat, and An-name.

Tasbih For Marriage

Reasons Why You Need To Perform This Dua

There can be many reasons why your marriage isn’t taking place, and knowing why it isn’t happening or identifying the problem at hand is an essential step to getting married. These reasons can include the following:

  1. Sometimes your relatives or friends who wish ill will for you might have done black magic to disrupt your marriage.
  2. Maybe you have evil eyes on you and need help with marriage.
  3. The dua to get married soon will be helpful if bad energy prevents your marriage.
  4. Maybe your lover has left you, and you want them back; in that case, the Dua for love back can be helpful.

These are some possible reasons for delays in marriage, and it is important to determine the underlying cause to address it and move forward with marriage plans.

Need More Help Regarding This Marriage Dua? Watch This Video

If you need more help regarding this marriage, we are happy to inform you that we will make a video.

In this video, you will get all your questions answered in detail using the proper method. Our best advice is to watch this video if you want detailed information.


This Dua for marriage soon is helpful for those who want to get married soon because their marriage is being held up by one problem or another.

This article guides how to perform a dua, or prayer, for marriage soon in Islam in a halal way. 

The dua is believed to help those seeking marriage quickly find a suitable partner and overcome any obstacles preventing them from getting married. 

If you are unsure which of the duas and wazifa mentioned above will be most beneficial to you, we would like to let you know that you are free to perform any of the duas mentioned above and wazifas for yourself; all that is required is that you perform them with complete trust in Allah.

In addition, feel free to ask any questions using the space provided for comments below. Our expert, Molana, will respond to your query.

The article also provides an alternative dua for those wanting to marry someone they love.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there any Easy Dua for marriage soon in Islam?

If you want to get married soon, then recite, “O my Allah, give me patience and power to wait for the right person and soon bless me with a partner who will be a means for me to fulfill my duties for You and serve Your creation.” 435 times after every single Namaz.

Is there any Surah to Get Married Soon?

You can recite any Surah to potentially alleviate issues related to getting married. Surah Yasin and Surah Duha are known to be particularly effective.

However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of reciting these Surahs can be enhanced by consistently praising Allah and fervently praying. You may see results within one week of performing this ritual.

Recitation of these Surahs may help resolve marriage-related problems.

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