Powerful Dua for hardship, stress, anxiety and depression

Are you going through a difficult time? 

Do things seem out of control? Do you have a lot on your plate? Stress? 

Nothing is taking the load off or working out.

Do not worry we will give you a Dua for hardship, stress, anxiety, and depression in this article.

Remember Allah SWT says, “I am with the brokenhearted.

He is with you; he can see everything and knows your worries without you saying anything. He knows everything!

No matter what hardship and stress you are going through, we are here to help you, guide you, and give you a dua to relieve your problems and stress

It would help if you believed that with hardship comes ease. Allah SWT says in the Quran, “With hardship comes ease.”. So believe in your creator. 

He won’t put you through a hard time forever; your good days will come and are coming to you.

The importance of Dua for hardship and stress

If Allah SWT is giving you a life test, that only means because he loves you and wants to hear from you and show you he exists by giving you everything you’ve ever wanted. 

He will show you miracles you never thought were possible; you need to believe and not lose hope.

Hopelessness is a major sin; dua is there for us to believe that what we think is impossible is possible for Allah SWT. You are waiting for his kun; it will come; don’t worry.

Pray five times a day and pray tuhujjut as well, and whenever you feel anxious, pray two nafil. Talk to Allah SWT; cry to him; he is here and will help you.

Allah SWT has sent us to guide you, help you, and give you the most potent Quranic duas to assist you in difficult times.

Our duas are derived from the holy Quran and are the words of Allah SWT.

If you read this article for someone who left you, you must read “Dua for someone to come back to you in a proper halal way.”

Method To perform Dua for hardship, stress, anxiety, and depression:

  1. After Fajar Salah, perform Wudu.
  2. Say “Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem” 123 times.
  3. Read Durood Sharif 11 times.
  4. To remove hardship and stress from your life, recite Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum Birahmatika Astaghees 324 times.

Perform this method daily for 21 days. InshaAllah, within these 21 days, you will see positive change in your life.

Method To perform Dua for hardship, stress, anxiety, and depression
Follow this method if you want to remove stress and anxiety from your life.

You can consult Molana ashif Ali Khan on WhatsApp if you want quick and effective results.

General points to remember

  1. When making dua, you must believe Allah will answer you.
  2. Refrain from being too hall-hearted, thinking you will try but don’t believe it can work out for you.
  3. Being hopeless is a sin, and making dua without trusting Allah SWT fully is also a sin.
  4. When you make a dua, remember that it will always be answered in one way or another.

Allah SWT says, “I do not burden a soul more than what it can handle.” You are strong and will get through this.

Recite Surah Maryum, Surah Rehman, and Surah Yasin daily to remove hardship and stress from your life.

Read: Powerful Dua to get what you want from Allah swt

When you can’t control a situation, supplicate to Allah SWT and leave all your matters with him, trusting him wholeheartedly.

Now, this is something serious that you must understand.

If you decide to contact us, we will do a little istikara to see how deep your situation is.

If we see someone has done something, such as black magic.

Our Molana Ji and team will have to remove it for you. Twenty-five years of experience studying the Quran and its ways to help destroy evil is not an average person’s capability.

So please do not hesitate to contact us. Depending on your situation, we can help guide you in your decision-making or take on solving your problem entirely.

Please be careful when trying our Dua for hardship, stress, anxiety, and depression; you have to do them exactly as we describe them on this website, and if you need help understanding anything, contact us. 

Allah SWT is with you always, and so are we.

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